I often get an ingrown hair on my neck. Is any particular shaver better than the other in terms of reducing the likelihood of getting ingrown hair? I am especially eying Arc 6 and Philips S9000 ...
I am using Braun 3 Proskin. I use it mainly with creams and soaps, as it is too irritating for my skin when used dry.It is all about DFS rather then BBS with foil shavers. Like the last post I've found the Braun series 9 is a great close and gentle shaver. I do if I haven't shave for a few days and have a decent beard growth, finish the shave with "bump stopper" just incase of any ingrown (my beard curls back in on itself) and then slight balm and then the scent.
Forgot to ask what you shaving with currently?
Yes, Braun 3 without shaving cream get quite hot very fast and it irritates my skin. I have not yet tried One blade. And I forgot to add an important part: I have noticed that almost all of the ingrown are Pelli multigemini (multiple hair growing out of one follicle). I like to shave every day (or at least every other day).Hmmmm, the Braun series 3 is too irratating on your skin.Hhave you tried the likes of the Philips one blade. While not as close as a regular foil shaver it does give a decent shave and a pretty good DFS. I often use mine after a few days growth prior to the complete shave with the Braun. However I feel that it's a case of trail and error and double checking your shave routine / prep / post shave routine.