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Indian Shaving

Hi, this is the discussion page for shaving with Indian creams & shaving products,
or for your experiences with these creams, razors, beards, salons alums etc.
All experiences /opinions welcomed!
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I read that the Shaveabuck Cadet OC razors are made in India, which has prompted major revisions of opinions on Indian razors. I'm loving my TP44.
I am planning to modify some pucks by grating it & adding some glycerin & menthol.

Godrej soap, nice and clean, I grated it up and turned it into a stick. Nice for me.

I am at present using a cream rotation of eleven varieties: -
Ten of them are Indian.

  1. Tabac Original
  2. Godrej Round
  3. Godrej Menthol Mist
  4. Gillette Tube gel
  5. Biotique Bio Palmyra
  6. Yardley Gold
  7. Godrej rich foam
  8. Axe Denim
  9. Dettol Fresh
  10. Park Avenue.
  11. Old Spice Original

Out of these, the Biotique Bio-Palmyra is the best of the lot.
I do not like the Park avenue- the scent is offensive to me.
The Tabac has a superb scent, but barely any lather. It will go after the tube is over.
After the bad experience with the Tabac, supposedly a 'good' european cream,
I am not going to get any more imported creams.
The Yardley and the Axe are O.K. , but but not exceptional, &
have nothing much to recommend them.
I doubt they will re-enter the rotation when the tubes are over.
I find the scent of the Old Spice Original too strong for me now,
although about 18 years back, the lime version was the only cream I used
during my DE days.
I understand that the Old Spice will no longer be manufactured by Menezes
in Goa, and will probably be issued with a different aroma, so it will also go.
That leaves:-
Dettol, Biotique, Gillette tube and 3 Godrej ones.
The Dettol Fresh may be replaced by the Dettol cool for the additional menthol.

6 different types, perfect for a 5 shave per week’s rotation.
The creams for normal days, & the Gillette tube for the days when I am running late,
in a hurry & need to finish fast, since it needs no brush & still gives a great shave.
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I use the Godrej creams, the Godrej Round (great), Palmolive Deluxe and Lemon (both good). Park Avenue Royal Musk smelled wonderful but left my face dry and tight. Dettol creams irritated me. I've also used two varieties of Vi-John cream...both very good but the sandal/rose agarbatti scent of the menthol put me off.

I also use Cinthol and Mysore Sandal soaps...my supply of the latter will be continuously stocked forever. The Yardley sandalwood talc is good, but I like the Cinthol original scent talc the best. I wish I could stock that continuously too. And I'd like to try Cinthol Lime.

Never used Biotyque Bio Palmyra.

Oh, and in my opinion you should reconsider trying European creams again. Tabac SOAP is excellent, but the CREAM is not. For excellent European creams, look at Proraso, Speick, La Toja, Musgo Real, and Taylor of Old Bond Street. All are excellent and on the cheap side of things.
I read that the Shaveabuck Cadet OC razors are made in India, which has prompted major revisions of opinions on Indian razors. I'm loving my TP44.

Probably a Supermax razor.
FYI Supermax is now the world No 2 Razor manufacturer after Gillette. They specialize in emerging markets like South America, Africa & Asia & in manufacturing for own name brands for large supermarket chains & such, which is probably why they are not too well known.
The owner of Supermax has just bought Elizabeth Taylor's mansion after her death, so I'm guessing that being the world No 2 must pay.
Interestingly enough, last week I discovered that almost all 3 blade Supermax carts fit my Gillette Sensor razor. This was not mentioned anywhere on the cart packet. What really freaked me out is that the cartridge cost for me was - get this - about 11% of the cost of an original 2-blade sensor cart. I bought the supermax carts from a street vendor at a discount, but even so...
Of course, the cart does not have the individually flexing blade design of the sensor, but it gives a good shave, though not quite as close as the original. But then you can say that about almost any sensor replacement carts, & the shave is about 80% as good as the original, or thereabout.
The Supermax 4 blade cart also fits on the sensor razor. It is not a good cart. It literally sticks to the skin & really tugs. If you do not mind that though, the shave is fine, but not as good as the 3 blade. Its also more pricey.
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Probably a Supermax razor.

I doubt it. The new razors that Shaveabuck, Italian Barber, Barberia di Figaro, and Razor Blades & More are selling are all chrome/brass razors. Big and heavy, with open comb, solid bar, and twist to open models.
I doubt it. The new razors that Shaveabuck, Italian Barber, Barberia di Figaro, and Razor Blades & More are selling are all chrome/brass razors. Big and heavy, with open comb, solid bar, and twist to open models.

Then unlikely that it is Supermax. Unless they are sourcing them from the open market & selling them to Shaveabuck. More likely would be that Shaveabuck are themselves sourcing from the Indian market.
I received Shulton Old Spice Lathering cream in the original scent, yesterday. It was made and shipped from India. Great stuff. I certainly will be ordering more.
I've been using nothing but the Godrej Shaving Round for the last two weeks. It's not a luxurious product, but I've been getting great shaves. It seems to be very gentle to the skin even if it's not ultra-moisturizing. I really enjoy the unique light scent.
I've been using nothing but the Godrej Shaving Round for the last two weeks. It's not a luxurious product, but I've been getting great shaves. It seems to be very gentle to the skin even if it's not ultra-moisturizing. I really enjoy the unique light scent.
I agree. It's good stuff. Not luxurious by any means, but it's funny when something that costs 30 cents in India performs better than the currently-produced soaps from Trumper.
I've been using nothing but the Godrej Shaving Round for the last two weeks. It's not a luxurious product, but I've been getting great shaves. It seems to be very gentle to the skin even if it's not ultra-moisturizing. I really enjoy the unique light scent.

I understand that some dermatologists here in India recommend the Godrej shaving round for use instead of creams, as it is the least offensive to the skin & contains virtually no added chemicals. The scent is also minimal.

I am planning to modify three of the Godrej round pucks by grating & repacking-
one puck with added glycerine
one with menthol, &
one with both menthol & glycerine.
I can get the glycerine at any local pharmacist, & menthol is freely available at many tobacconists.
This little trial will have to wait a while , though. I have too many creams in my rotation & have had to resort to a phone planner to remember which one comes next every morning.
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Oh, and in my opinion you should reconsider trying European creams again. Tabac SOAP is excellent, but the CREAM is not. For excellent European creams, look at Proraso, Speick, La Toja, Musgo Real, and Taylor of Old Bond Street. All are excellent and on the cheap side of things.

I may do so again after I have finalised what I do & do not like in the Indian creams. There are so many creams here that I have not tried: Wild Stone, Vicco & Vi-John are some that come to mind. They seem to have garnered good reviews, and there are probably others I do not know of. But when I do, I will have to be a bit more careful than before. Besides, musk based scents & strongly perfumed creams give me a running nose in the morning & that I can definitely do without.
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I may do so again after I have finalised what I do & do not like in the Indian creams. There are so many creams here that I have not tried: Wild Stone, Vicco & Vi-John are some that come to mind. They seem to have garnered good reviews, and there are probably others I do not know of. But when I do, I will have to be a bit more careful than before. Besides, musk based scents & strongly perfumed creams give me a running nose in the morning & that I can definitely do without.
Vicco is strongly-scented. Smells like a sandal-flora agarbatti, which I like, but I know it won't be teh type of smell many would enjoy. I think its functionality as a shaving cream is secondary, though it absolutely works as one. It lathers up and stays thick and dense, but you have to work a little for the lather. It reminds me more of a face wash than a shaving cream.
For the shave soap, yes. But Try Em All is using the cream. I don't know what the ingredients for that are.
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