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In the groove!

Good Evening Gents:

Well, I am in the DE game for 5 months now (wet shaving for 29 years though) and for the last month or so I have been getting consistently GREAT shaves. For the first 4 months I was experimenting with different razors, soaps and blades, and I now have zeroed in on what my face likes, and have the technique mastered.

My razor of choice is a ball end Tech razor (late 40's or early 50's vintage) with either a IP Red or Gillette 7 O'clock Yellow. I find that combo gives me a BBS to DFS every time. I have gotten so good at this now that with only 2 passes and a minor touch up on my neck, I can easily manage a DFS ++ with not a nick, scratch, or any irritation what so ever. Since I shave every day, I always feel neat & clean.

My two favorite soaps are Mama Bear's (Old Spice scent) and Williams, Yea yea I know, some of you guys hate it, but I get incredibly moist, thick rich lather with no effort at all. In fact, other than the fact that the MB's smells better (and probably lasts longer too) the Williams lather is actually equal to or better than the MB's. I face lather and have absolutely no idea why some guys have no luck with the Williams.

The brush I am using is one I restored about 4 months ago when I purchased a fantastic knot from Tony at TGN. It's a Silvertip Grade A bulb shape in 22mm with a 50 mm loft. To be honest, that is what I attribute the fantastic lather to. When using the Williams soap with my old worn out brush, the lather was not so good. A good brush make s all the difference in the world!

My pre-shave is a simple hot shower, and my post shave is cold water followed by Witch Hazel and then a dab of after shave. That's it! Just wanted to say thanks to all of you guys that have helped with your advise and support along the way.

Now that I have found my tools and blades of choice I have squirreled away a nice stash and will now enjoy the rewards each and every morning!


D/E Bob
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