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In Need of advice...

Hey everyone... So heres the deal, I'm fairly new to DE shaving and I need some help choosing the correct blade for my skin/beard type. I am currently using a Merkur HD safety razor with the Merkur blades, badger hair brush (silver tip), and Colonel Conks shaving soap (bay rum) . My problem is I have very sensitive skin and a fairly tough beard (can you say bad combination?). Needles to say I'm no stranger to razor burn so I need some advice to help me choose the blades that will give me the closest shave with the least irritation. I have pretty good technique so Im almost positive thats not the issue. Any advice will be greatly appreciated, and if you have any questions for me please don't hesitate to ask... :thumbup1: Thanks!! :thumbup1:
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Once again, this is one of those "Your Mileage May Vary" things. Personally, I would ditch the Merkur blades as soon as possible and get some Red Pack IP's. They are sharp, smooth, and should do you a wonderful job of shaving. You may actually find that the combination of "tough beard and tender skin", which seems to be a mantra among newcomers to this site, is actually a product of poor quality shaving equipment in the past, and once you get good stuff, i.e. better DE blades, you'll suddenly be in the throes of shaving nirvana...
I agree with 'shine, get rid of those Merkur blades and pick yourself up some Red Packs or even Astra Superior Platinum, a blade that will slice right through that beard but is super smooth - you get close to the sharp of a Feather but leaves your face pretty soft. Downside is they don't really last long but it will start you anyway-
In your case I would opt for a sharp and smooth blade.
I like the Astra's.
You can also try the Feathers but they might prove a little less smooth for you.
Read the reviews and pick the 10 sharpest blades and try to get a few of each so you can decide for yourself which blade is the right one for you.

And make sure you get a good preparation. This will make the shave even more comfortable.
Once again, this is one of those "Your Mileage May Vary" things. Personally, I would ditch the Merkur blades as soon as possible and get some Red Pack IP's. They are sharp, smooth, and should do you a wonderful job of shaving. You may actually find that the combination of "tough beard and tender skin", which seems to be a mantra among newcomers to this site, is actually a product of poor quality shaving equipment in the past, and once you get good stuff, i.e. better DE blades, you'll suddenly be in the throes of shaving nirvana...

+1 to moonshine44's above advice, Red IP's would be a great way to go. I would also go get some Kiss My Face shave cream it comes in a tube or a pump bottle, for this purpose I would get the bottle. It is a fairly cheap, slick, cream that creates loads of rich creamy lather.

After you load your brush with your shave soap, squirt in a pump or two of KMF shave cream and mix then into a slick, creamy superlather, it will help reduce friction and increase protection while shaving.

Also while you are figuring out the skin/razor burn issue, I would stick to one pass shaves with touch ups and thats it. Also, always make sure your face is covered in lather, even during touch ups...do not ever let the blade touch your bare skin!

I think doing those things, along with a soft hand will go a long way.

Hope it helps, let me know if you need anything.
You really need to get a sampler pack and work through the blades. Blades are different for everyone and your tastes are going to change as your technique advances. What I like when I started is very different from what I like today. The only way is to get a samplerand find what works for you.
+2 on both the Red IPs and the Astras, both are mild blades that give smooth close shaves. If you want a milder razor I would keep your eyes open for a SuperSpeed, you can pick one up on the BST for the $20 mark.

See, I kinda like the Merkur blades...blades are more important that most people realize starting out, you need to head to http://westcoastshaving.com/ and get a sampler pack to try out, trial and error is really the only way to figure out what is going to work for you. I have recently discovered that I really like Feather blades, which are usually on the opposite end of the scale...it's weird. One person's broken bottle is another persons ideal cut.

I'd also recommend an alum block to diminish your post-shave irritation, they are cheap, ancient, and as long as you remember to rinse them off your face, will correct some of your mistakes.

Let us know what works for you!

I'd be ditching the Merkur blades. A sample pack is the way to go. Have a try of a few different ones because everyone has a different opinion on blades. I'd also look at using a soap with tallow. IMHO, very good for sensitive skin. The Merkur HD should be fine but it still wouldn't hurt to pick up a nice vintage DE or two. Perhaps a Super Speed and a Rocket.
The funny thing here is that everyone is suggesting ditching the Merkur blades. I've tried them and had nothing but troubles. IMO Merkur makes wonderful razors but lousy blades. You wouldn't think so, but...here we are.
I started with a blade sampler and recommend everyone does.
Never tried the red personnas, but the Astra's worked well.
I would recommend giving Derby Extras, Astra Platinums, and Feathers a try. The best way to do this is to buy a sampler from WCS. I got the $10 pack and it has plenty to try. Good luck on your search for the best blade for you.
I'm a newbie myself and am working my way through a sample pack. I too started with Merkurs, and hated them. I'm using a Derby Extra right now, and am tickled with the results. Next up for me are Astras.
When I added Pacific Shave Oil and an Alum Block, it was like night & day. Pretty much all of my razor burn troubles went away.

Seriously, as a newb my technique was shoty at best, and my pre & post shaving step do leave much room for improvement, but adding the Pacific Shave Oil and Alum Block helped immensely with razor burn, nicks, etc.
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