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Imperfection in Tech top cap

I just loaded a blade for the first time in my newly acquired Tech.

It's made in England, has no date code and the base plate and handle appear to be aluminium.

When I inspected the exposure of the blade, I noticed the edge was a bit out of shape in the middle on one side. I tried to take a photo of it but I failed. It's something that is easy to see when moving it in the light. I guess it should not affect the shave too much as this razor looks like it's had a few decades of use but I am a bit hesitant to use it. Especially considering I have a 40's (USA) ball end tech which seems to be identical in terms of head shape but all brass.

The cause is a burr on the edge of the cap:


Has any of you had a similar issue with a vintage Gillette?
I had a Tech that had a dent in it, right on the edge like that. It was small, but just enough to "wrinkle" the blade when everything was put together.

I used the rough edge of my wife's emery board to file it down.

Don't tell her.
Thanks, I was about to do it with the dremel but the nail tool did the job in a few rubs. I did tell my wife though. Anything that can handle her nails won't be impressed by a bit of metal.
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