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I'm sick and tired of the poor behaviour by men!

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It has been a torrid couple of weeks Down Under.

Last year our female Prime Minister had a famous spray in Parliament shown here following demeaning sexist comments from the former Speaker of the House which got world wide airplay and became the cause célèbre of the feminist movement. More recently she attempted to revive the 'gender wars' in a speech to a woman's group a couple of weeks ago in what has been generally described as a poor and backfiring political stunt.

Against this background we have had another sex scandal involving defence force personnel, see reporting here, and then yesterday we had football players out of control and being charged with indecent assault, see here. All part of a long pattern of behaviour.

Seriously, when will blokes learn?

Is this a by-product of our over-sexualised and increasingly porno-fied culture?

I'm as red-blooded male as anybody but part of being a man, and I know the gentlemen here will get it, is actually being a man not a little boy. It shouldn't be a feminist plot to treat women well surely?

I think that the outstanding response from our Chief of Army shown here should be compulsory viewing for ALL men.


Thanks for listening guys
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I know in the US there has been a general decline in morals. I don't know if it's music, movies, or advertising. I believe a lot of it can be traced to the breakdown of the family, caused by the New Deal, welfare, food stamps, and the removal of the father as an important part of a family unit.
Well a good chunk of it is just the media blowing stuff out of proportion so they have something interesting to report about rather than actual news about what the world governments are doing and what is actually wrong with places. If you want to feel good about the world, the best way to do it is turn off the TV, go outside, and talk to neighbours.
Here in America we do a good job of keeping the focus on the men. Women have declined as quickly as the rest but don't get put in the light, bashed by media, or prosecuted the same way. Men are getting shafted across the board here, sometimes rightly so while other times not. Women get a slap on the wrist and a Lifetime movie deal. At this point I'd consider promoting women to higher positions simply to keep dirty secrets in my businesses from ever causing a stir.
I think it has always been this way.

It's just that in today's instant access world, bad behavior is being caught more frequently
I think it has always been this way.

It's just that in today's instant access world, bad behavior is being caught more frequently
Some perspective.... things are not nearly as bad for women in the 'Western' world as people think. When people ask me how Korea and the US different I tell them the US is woman's paradise and Korea is a man's paradise. Sadly for me being a man Korea is becoming less of man's paradise. Sigh

I agree with Turtle, it is just boys being boys. It is our DNA to behave badly unless we are conditioned out of it. Given the opportunity boys will behave badly.
Well a good chunk of it is just the media blowing stuff out of proportion so they have something interesting to report about rather than actual news about what the world governments are doing and what is actually wrong with places. If you want to feel good about the world, the best way to do it is turn off the TV, go outside, and talk to neighbours.

I'm more of this view. Stuff gets inflated because nobody in the media wants to face their superiors in regards to a "slow news cycle"
If you want to feel good about the world, the best way to do it is turn off the TV, go outside, and talk to neighbours.

+1 to the great advice. I have news on most of the day but I only have to watch business, finance, or stock feeds. I never have local or national mainstream channels on. If something "super important" happens they'll interrupt on my channels.

  • I get that the ravenous 24 hours news cycle demands content, any content, with not a lot of quality control;
  • I get that unlike times past with social media available to capture drunken thoughts and EVERYBODY with an image capture devices in their hands we see what was previously hidden;

  • I get that women behaving badly doesn't seem to attract the same attention and scrutiny;
  • I get that [female] politicians and commentators feign outrage to progress their own agenda.

Despite this indecent assault and army officers circulating footage of them having sex tagged with derogatory comments without the knowledge of the women concerned is not acceptable, never ever in my book.

Boys being boys? - well it is time to grow up. Genetics do not give license for this kind of behaviour.

The Chief of Army got it right - "the standard you walk past is the standard you accept". I do not accept this standard, I will not walk past.

This is not about turning off the TV and external news. It IS about standing up for the right thing when you can DESPITE all the issues in the dot points and the feminist hype.

Talking to your neighbours is always worthwhile though!
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After watching the video of Lieutenant General David Morrison, I feel like I got a dressing down. I'm not even involved, I'm not Australian.
I don't think I would ever want General Morrison mad at me, or even slightly disappointed.
An organizations' culture is set from the top. Given General Morrison's message and his handling of the violators the culture will change. His message seems sincere and the message is clear.
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