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I'm not liking my new Razorock shave soap/cream. Is something wrong with me?

I got my first tub of Razorock Classic (the XXX one, if that helps.) I'd been using C.O. Bigelow on top of the VDH Luxury soap puck that came with the VDH Luxury kit my wife got me. I loved it and my daughter as well, but as the puck finally dwindled away (I still have the Bigelow, but I figured I'd wait to get another puck as I like just a smidgen mixed with the VDH) I figured I'd try something new. Enter Razorock, which got a lot of glowing reviews.

My daughter hated it right off the bat, saying it 'stunk'. She usually dabs some shaving cream on her nose, but this time she said it 'burns' and actually ran out of the bathroom. I also didn't enjoy the smell too much: it has a 'lemony' smell I guess, but it just doesn't appeal to me. Even heating my brush up pretty good with warm water, it wasn't the same as letting my puck sit in hot water. My last whiny complaints are that the razor just didn't seem to glide as well as it did with the Bigelow/VDH mix, and it's pretty messy. I didn't get the same amount of mess using my shaving mug.

Is it just me? Or do you guys have any soap recommendations that are more like the Bigelow smell?
Proraso is C.O.B. Or at lest it was just a different tube around the same cream. (I haven't read anything now that Proraso has reformulated everything... However, I do love Proraso. You may want to get it.)

I have only used one of the RR soaps and it was the Boston Tea Party. Scent is very subjective... And you may need to use more of it when making your lather so that it isn't as messy. Or you could get another puck of VDH, it's really cheap and if it works for you then get more of it.
Your daughter is not the only one who has reported XXX burns her skin. There are a number of people who have reported this reaction. Most don't, but obviously if you do it's a no-starter.

As far as heating your brush, it sounds like you may need a scuttle or something. I haven't heard of immersing a soap puck in hot water just to get hot lather before.

For something that smells like Proraso - depends on what it is about Proraso you like. 888 has eucalyptus but I haven't tried it. Proraso is cheap enough that if you like it - I'd just stick with that.
From what I read the XXX is one of the more polarizing scents in the RazoRock lineup. You're either vehemently for it or vehemently against it...which is one of the many reasons why I went with the Sandalwood soap for my first one. I have uber-sensitive skin but it doesn't burn at all. Love it, even.
RazoRock 888, for being a eucalytus scent, really is nothing like Proraso. It's far more earthy/woody to my nose.

I would recommend Prep, if you're wanting something more like Proraso/Bigelow. Great smell, and good chill. Scent reminds me of Noxema, personally.
Nothing is wrong with you. RR Third Eye irritated me and I traded it away. I picked up the XXX and either it has menthol in it or it burns my skin too. I've used it twice and didn't think it was all that great. If you like Bigelow I suggest picking up one of the newly formulated Proraso products.
I didn't care for the smell but really liked the way XXX lathered and based on other posts it has a good reputation for creating a great lather. However, it burned my face as well and actually gave me a rash (allergic reaction of some sort).

I'm sticking with Proraso and Cella for now. I enjoy both although Cella > Proraso IMHO.
I happen to like the scent of the XXX and find it makes an excellent lather but I'm in that minority of users who have a skin reaction so can't use it.


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I didn't care for the smell but really liked the way XXX lathered and based on other posts it has a good reputation for creating a great lather. However, it burned my face as well and actually gave me a rash (allergic reaction of some sort).

I'm sticking with Proraso and Cella for now. I enjoy both although Cella > Proraso IMHO.

Nothing is wrong with you. RR Third Eye irritated me and I traded it away. I picked up the XXX and either it has menthol in it or it burns my skin too. I've used it twice and didn't think it was all that great. If you like Bigelow I suggest picking up one of the newly formulated Proraso products.

it worked and performed well for me, but my kids wouldn't even kiss me goodbye before work, they did NOT like the scent. when i heard someone describe it as a "urinal puck", that's all i could smell from it after that.

RazoRock 888, for being a eucalytus scent, really is nothing like Proraso. It's far more earthy/woody to my nose.

I would recommend Prep, if you're wanting something more like Proraso/Bigelow. Great smell, and good chill. Scent reminds me of Noxema, personally.

i just picked up 888 and it has a very pleasant smell, not strong and works like a champ. i do not get a Proraso scent from it, but rather find it much much better smelling then Proraso.
Here to join the chorus. For one thing, no two people are the same. Your shave technique is your own, skin chemistry, and of course your taste is scents. There's never something wrong with you for not liking a soap or cream, no matter how popular it is. XXX is definitely a cologne sort of smell, whereas most shave soaps are more single note, or simple blends. It's a big change.

If your XXX lather wasn't slippery, your soap/water ratio was probably off, because this soap is capable of creating a great lather. But that's something you'll have to work on with any new soap or cream you get.

I just got my second black tub RR soap, the Fresco. It's a pleasant fresh scent, but not mentholated/minty like proraso, and no eucalyptus. Another nice soft soap with a good burst of menthol is Mystic Water Prospect Creek.
I would also heartily endorse the Mystic Water Prospect Creek soap if you like some menthol and want a great, protective lather and great skin care. Can't be beat. Smells like peppermint.
If you really like letting a puck sit in hot water, then get another hard soap instead of a soft one. There are many to choose from and they will probably superlather better with your bigelow. And check the ingredients first. If you like VDH and want something similar with a different scent, try colonel conk or mama bears. Some hot water to soften the conk then hold it in your hand to load it will get you lots of rich creamy lather.
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