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I'm new to B&B, but I'm not to vaping

Hello, all.

My name is Mark, I'm new to wet shaving, but I've been vaping since mid-2010.

I hope I'll be able to contribute to this sub-forum half as much as I'm learning from some of the others.


Currently vaping Steam Factory Muffcake with Sigelei 100W reg mod, Mutation X V2 (clone) RBA built to 0.2 ohms. It's delicious!
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Welcome to B&B and please share your knowledge of vaping with the others as you absorb the wet shaving info on the boards. You will find this to be the nicest and most helpful source of info on all sorts of topics. Glad to have you on board with us!


I wanna be sedated!
Welcome to B&B,

We look forward to your contributions here. The Mutation X is a vapor beast, mine is at .18, the only down fall is lack of flavor.
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