Today's shave turned out to be really spectacular, but I have a question about it. The only thing different I did was today I used my 1904 open comb razor. I usually use my 1904 straight bar which gives a great shave. Today I had a 3 day growth of beard and I decided to use the open comb. I have a couple of open combs, the 1904 and the HD, but I seldom use them. Today I thought I'd give my usual technique, but just use the open comb. I took my time and used my usual WTG, XTG, and ATG passes. Outside of 2 small nicks, which were my fault, I know how they happened, the shave was nothing short of BBS with very little blade buffing and water touch-up. I'm very pleased with the outcome as it was clearly much better than with my straight bar shaves. I don't think I did anythning different that I normally do, so I'm wondering if that open comb razor could give that much better of a shave? Whats the general view/feedback on this? Thanks.