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I'm done with IE

I have had it with Internet Explorer. I kick myself for upgrading to IE 8. It freezes pretty frequently, and I am tired of seeing the message stating " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to shut down". These messages also appear at the most inconvenient times too (like during a 17 hr upload of 500+ pics to smugmug). I am now using Google Chrome, which I kinda like. I have used Firefox as well, which I like too. I probably will end up using Firefox exclusively. All I know is no more Internet Explorer for me!
Wise choice man, wise choice. With an addon I'm able to synchronize my bookmarks on all machines I've got. Without Firefox this wouldn't be possible.
I haven't used IE regularly for years - it's slow and clunky compared to Firefox IMO. Microsoft is good at the Office products and up to XP the operating system was pretty decent but IE has never been a match for the competition (like Netscape).
I set up XP for my wife recently on her mac (boot camp). I used IE to navigate to getfirefox.com. I installed Firefox and then deleted the icon and intend to never use it on that machine again.
I havn't used Internet Explorer since Firefox was in beta and called Firebird. :lol:

Actually, i remember when it was called Phoenix.
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IE8 is buggy to say the least. Unfortunately, I have some secure sites that do not recognize Firefox. I only use it when I have to.
I am using Chrome for 6 months with little problem. However I recently downloaded Firefox 3.5 which just came out of beta and still every once in a while it crashes. That issue is suppose to be fixed by the end of July. Next year Firefox is coming out with yet another upgraded version but will be tested first in beta.

Another one that is pretty good and mimics Firefox is "Flock"
I havn't used Internet Explorer since Firefox was in beta and called Firebird. :lol:

Actually, i remember when it was called Phoenix.

Firefox rules. Firebird is now Firefox's Calendar program. Thunderbird is their e-mail client (which is a wonderfully better interface then what you have to use in most cable e-mail set-ups).

All three of these programs can be downloaded free, BTW.
Firefox + add-ons = incredible innerwebbing

(FYI - I have started using Safari at home when I'm just surfing around. Load speeds are stellar and the 'top sites' feature is really cool)
I have been using Firefox for about 4 years with no problems. I love the tabs and the add-ons. Simple and easy to use.
Firefox rules. Firebird is now Firefox's Calendar program. Thunderbird is their e-mail client (which is a wonderfully better interface then what you have to use in most cable e-mail set-ups).

All three of these programs can be downloaded free, BTW.

Most Ubuntu and debian based Distro's already have firefox/thunderbird installed from the get go
I haven't used anything but firefox in years. I love it for the same reasons every other firefox/B&B user stated. :cool:


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I don't remember the last time I used IE at home. I'm stuck with it at work but home, Firefox all the way. As already mentionned, the add-on makes it so easy. If Chrome comes up with a same type of suite, I would give it a go! For now, FF works perfectly, why change?
I don't remember the last time I used IE at home. I'm stuck with it at work but home, Firefox all the way. As already mentionned, the add-on makes it so easy. If Chrome comes up with a same type of suite, I would give it a go! For now, FF works perfectly, why change?

If you have a jumpdrive, you can load up FF portable and take your browser with you. Even on a work machine. :biggrin:
I switched to Firefox way back in the days when it first came out. I haven't had a virus or malware since. That's right. I have a PC that hasn't had a virus or malware and hasn't been rebuilt since 2005. It's not my primary machine because the hardware just doesn't cut it anymore, but it still runs great.
Firefox is all that I ever use. It is a very sturdy application. IE I only use for certain webpages, particularly only at work. and maybe once a week. I cant stand that browser :lol:. Chrome is nice, but Firefox is better still.

While your at it, get off of XP :biggrin:
Firefox is the best. 99% of the time it's my go-to browser and my default. I only use IE for certain Microsoft sites because they won't support anything other than IE for downloads and such.
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