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I'm a little worried

this is the lot that i bought a few days ago.
checking tracking, it showed that it was supposed to be delivered today so i let swmbo know it was coming (i am out of town so i couldnt get it myself)
this is the picture she sent me on my phone. the yellow sticker on top says that it was that way when they received it (whoever "they" are) and she said it looks like it has been taped back up. im gonna wait to open it when i get home this weekend but i hope its all there and has no problems. it almost looks like it also got wet :thumbdown

everyone said that this seller is well know for going over the top on packaging and i hope he lives up to the praise lol


  • $IMG954102.jpg
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It's always a heart break when something arrives after being mangled by the post office. The worst is when an item has to be placed in a bag before it can be sent further and when it arrives you can't tell what it was before they destroyed it.
God dammit! The wait will be bad hehe! But as in the previous thread, sellers a good packer, so hopefully your razors will be fine :)
"They" is the Postal NonService Dept.

And postal insurance is designed to be such a hassle that you won't bother with it. Good luck sorting it all out. Perhaps the contents didn't suffer like the box.
I wouldn't worry about it.

That looks like a pretty big box for what you bought. I bet the outside is the ugliest part.

Unless the thing still had a gaping hole in it or feels light it's probably just abused cardboard.
from the seller's blurb:
Packing your items we will use peanuts, bubble wrap shredded paper, and lots of tape so you will need your scissors We always wrap your items individually and then secure them together so yes it is a booger to get it out but it will be safe. So if you don?t want your item shipped securely using all materials available please don?t order but if you want your item safe and sound please order from us
Last No need for insurance if I can?t get it to you safe I will refund your money
looks like minor water damage my friend. no worries. packaging should be ok. worst case if the product has defects just get a refund or replacement. Paypal is good about resolving disputes. (personal experience)
I recently received a box that looked like it was used for a wheel chock by the semi delivering OTR. Luckily none of the contents were damaged in the least.
A lot of ebay sellers (especially antique dealers) re-use boxes from stuff they had delivered. I wouldn't worry too much but you could always contact the seller. They hate negative feedback scores. That box might have looked that bad before they shipped it. Hope it goes well for you.
While it looks taped up, the shipping label crosses over the break in the flaps on top.
I'm betting the seller re-used the box... I do that all the time.
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