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IKon OSS.amazing

Got a new iKon OSS in last week. Very impressed with the quality of this razor...just flawless. And the shave, without question, the most smooth yet satisfyingly efficient razor I have used. I enjoyed having the OC/SB combination in one razor. I bought the discounted razor from ikon that supposedly had some finish flaws. I can find none. Great deal for 99.00. Highly recommend.
I've owned the OSS and the S3S...for me, I greatly preferred the OSS over the S3S. If you need a bit more aggression, just add a shim or two and you're set. Otherwise, enjoy your shaves!
I have both the OS and S3S and enjoy using both of them.

Great product. Well made and well finished.

I did no get one for the longest time as I thought the OC/SB combination on a single head odd. After using one I find that "gee, why aren't all DE razors made like this" Doh
I also bought a scratch and dent OSS and have had it for a week now. It's a beautiful machine! I'm a newbie to blades, but it's been going fine. As far as I can see, the thing is flawless. Unlike what some people have said elsewhere, I like having two shavers in one and don't find it distracting at all.
The iKon is replacing all my razors including my Weber and Tradere OC, it's that good. I see that iKon has some new models out. May need to pick one up. I look forward to reading some reviews on their new razors.
I've owned the OSS and the S3S...for me, I greatly preferred the OSS over the S3S. If you need a bit more aggression, just add a shim or two and you're set. Otherwise, enjoy your shaves!
I just received the new OSS kit today. It comes with the new solid bar deck, new open comb deck, the older style combo solid and OC deck, one top piece and a 85mm handle. All matte finish.
The workmanship and attention to detail is absolutely first rate. Every bit as nicely done as the Feather.
I just finished shaving with the solid bar, using a Feather blade.
Tell you what, I don't think anyone will feel the need to put a shim in this razor.

Very smooth and close. I will try the open comb deck next.
BTW I ordered the kit on Saturday, December 1st. Very fast delivery.
Kudos to Greg Kahn.
I've been using an iKon original OC and an SK9 (SS handle and cap, aluminum head). Ditto the high praise from others. I sold my Feather (too mild even for my light beard) and my Pils (slippery handle, bulky head). No need to buy more razors, but I'll probably end up springing for one of the iKon sets.
I just received the new OSS kit today. It comes with the new solid bar deck, new open comb deck, the older style combo solid and OC deck, one top piece and a 85mm handle. All matte finish.
The workmanship and attention to detail is absolutely first rate. Every bit as nicely done as the Feather.
I just finished shaving with the solid bar, using a Feather blade.
Tell you what, I don't think anyone will feel the need to put a shim in this razor.

Very smooth and close. I will try the open comb deck next.
BTW I ordered the kit on Saturday, December 1st. Very fast delivery.
Kudos to Greg Kahn.

Let us know how the OSS solid bar side compares to the new solid bar deck. I'm loving the OSS and hiking about the new solid bar razor as I have heard others comment that it is more aggressive yet manageable.
The new solid bar is very aggressive versus the solid bar side of the OSS. I found the new solid bar base to be another gear higher than the new open comb base, and likely not a daily driver for me. Just under an R41 I felt.
The new ikon razors come in open comb base or safety/solid bar style. I suppose by saying solid bar I was referring to what Greg called the "Standard Head".

Also, I was fiddling around and a Feather AS cap and an OSS cap fits these new base plates perfectly.
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