Since several folks here have forgotten more about tea than I know, perhaps I can get some help in solving a mystery. Let me start by saying that I know next to nothing about tea, though I can identify a good glass of Southern sweet iced tea. 
Several years ago, a friend of mine gave me some tea that looked like little buds that would unfurl themselves a bit when subjected to hot water. His method for making tea was just to drop a few of these into a cup of hot water and wait a few minutes. I used the sample he gave me over the course of a few weeks, intending to ask him at a future date what it was, but never got around to having that conversation, and he's now out of touch. Can anyone suggest an idea of what tea this might have been? My apologies for not having more evidence to offer, but it was several years ago, and my memory is a bit hazy.
Several years ago, a friend of mine gave me some tea that looked like little buds that would unfurl themselves a bit when subjected to hot water. His method for making tea was just to drop a few of these into a cup of hot water and wait a few minutes. I used the sample he gave me over the course of a few weeks, intending to ask him at a future date what it was, but never got around to having that conversation, and he's now out of touch. Can anyone suggest an idea of what tea this might have been? My apologies for not having more evidence to offer, but it was several years ago, and my memory is a bit hazy.