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If you could only buy one Soap (have one on a desert island)

Which Should I get for Lots of Moisture

  • Mitchells Wool Fat

  • Mama Bear

  • Tabac

  • Other, Ill Explain Below.

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so I started wetshaving about a month ago with my VDH started set, Very nice, and got my first irritation free BBS shave today with it (thanks to kyle's prep and a new blade I got from west coast shaving, astra)

I also got a brick of Col Conks that I like too.

now I'm looking for a Nice Third soap

I'm Mainly Looking at MWF, MamaBear, and Tabac, but I'm open to others

MWF sounds good.

I found Mamabears website today and WOW, that's alot of scents, I'm thinking about getting atleast 1 of these regardless once I figure out which one I like, the Polo one sounds good and so does the christmas one with citris, apple, pepperment and clove. and the apple cider one.

and I've heard alot of goot things about tabac around here too.

Lets see, I'm looking for a soap that will leave my face super Moisterized all day long if possible (this is why MWF is on the top of my list)

If you like more than one, vote for the ones you like
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If I was stranded on a dessert island, I wouldn't need any shaving soap unless I had , brush, hot water, a towel, and a razor to go with it. Some native girls however would be very welcome indeed!:001_smile
thanks, looks like I might get a tabac for 2 reasons.

1, I can get it free as I have an amazon gift certificate, and I can get it on amazon for about 19 shipped in a bowl, this price seems to be okay cause its 17 at wcs+ shipping

2. Beacause all you guys recommended it.

the GFT got alot of recommendations too. hows this price here at amazon?
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