Over the last year and a half I have become a staunch advocate of more traditional shaving methods. I started with straights and have since decided that I prefer DE's and injectors. While I am by no means rich, I spend much of my extra money on shaving things. Aside from seeking the perfect shave, I have also taken an interest in buying interesting razors that are still in their packages. This primarily consists of new cartridges, but I have stumbled across a few others.
I am starting this post for two reasons. First to mention what I have stashed away in the foam cooler that I keep everything in, but also to get some ideas.
First off is the pride and joy so far. I got a 1967 Gillette Slim adjustable sealed in the cardboard and plastic package. I paid $60.99 on eBay. While I think that I paid a bit too much, I saw a few others from the same seller going for almost twice what I paid, so go figure. I also got an old Techmatic in it's package and a Trac II demonstration razor in a sealed tin can. I also got five Gillette MicroTrac disposables in plastic wrappers that I guess they gave away at McDonalds in 1986 or so.
Everything else is I got is modern. A Fusion and Fusion Pro Glide in the KC Chiefs edition. I also got an England soccer (football) Fusion and a Wolverine edition Schick Quattro Titanium. The last one is a Mach 3 2001 World Series edition with a watch.
My question then is what other neat or unique razors are out there that I can collect without spending too much money? I am not too concerned about making investments or anything. I just like the history and evolution of shaving razors. Questions/comments? Peace.
I am starting this post for two reasons. First to mention what I have stashed away in the foam cooler that I keep everything in, but also to get some ideas.
First off is the pride and joy so far. I got a 1967 Gillette Slim adjustable sealed in the cardboard and plastic package. I paid $60.99 on eBay. While I think that I paid a bit too much, I saw a few others from the same seller going for almost twice what I paid, so go figure. I also got an old Techmatic in it's package and a Trac II demonstration razor in a sealed tin can. I also got five Gillette MicroTrac disposables in plastic wrappers that I guess they gave away at McDonalds in 1986 or so.
Everything else is I got is modern. A Fusion and Fusion Pro Glide in the KC Chiefs edition. I also got an England soccer (football) Fusion and a Wolverine edition Schick Quattro Titanium. The last one is a Mach 3 2001 World Series edition with a watch.
My question then is what other neat or unique razors are out there that I can collect without spending too much money? I am not too concerned about making investments or anything. I just like the history and evolution of shaving razors. Questions/comments? Peace.