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ID help?

Can anyone help me ID my latest procurement please? :biggrin1: (£8.50 inc postage). Have i bought a goodie or a dog?

looks to me like a fat tech handle with an old type head....
although i could be wrong

there's nothing wrong at all with using a frankenrazor-- in fact you probably have a winning combination there-- it just isn't an "official" gillette.
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That sounds correct to me. Also, it appears to be some sort of old type pocket edition case as well. Does it have a design on the top or a list of patent dates on the bottom?

Not too sure, this is just one of the 2 photos i so far have of this! I think there is a pattern on the top of the box.

So, not an especially good buy then huh?:blush: Did wonder why i was the only bidder. Oh well, live and learn. Will definately be giving it a clean and a try though.

I don't think you got a bad deal by any means. I just tried running a conversion thing and it looks like you paid about $14-15 US. While the razor handle may not be original to the case, the old type heads provide excellent shaves. The head will attach to that handle and so you will be able to shave with it. Depending upon which case that is and what condition it is in, sometimes the cases alone can go for $15-30. So, again, while the razor handle may not be original to that case and isn't matched for that razor head, you didn't get a bad dea at all.
While the Old Type handle is "prettier", the thick Tech (which you have) feels better in my hand than the OT. I've used OT and New heads with Tech handles before, and found the combination to be quite nice!!

With the history of OT handles cracking, some gents bought Tech razors, and found that they preferred using the OT head instead . . . that mixed bag has its own spot in history!

Enjoy the shave!! :thumbup1:
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