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I wish I dropped it on my foot.

Probably would have hurt less. Dropped my Dovo Renaissance when getting ready to strop it. It didn't even look like it opened but there appears to be a chip in the blade. Under a loupe it doesn't appear to be cracked but it is a bit wavy around the chip. How bad is it?
My honing skills have improved since you guys sold me on this shaving madness a year ago but have never fixed any real problems. If you would be willing please let me know what it will cost. I just feel like with it being stainless steel that it might have warped or something.
It should not pose a problem, just hone past the bad spot. I would tape it to eliminate wear on the spine.

If you're not comfortable doing it send me a pm. I'll do it for free, you pay postage both ways.
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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Someone needs a new prescription for the reading glasses :lol:

Good on ya Rick!
My honing skills have improved since you guys sold me on this shaving madness a year ago but have never fixed any real problems. If you would be willing please let me know what it will cost. I just feel like with it being stainless steel that it might have warped or something.

I will hone it for free but if I break it you're getting a Gold Dollar (the Chinese razor not a real gold dollar). j/k

I have had similar razors in the past and I honed them on lower grit to fix the problem. Send me a PM I'll be happy to take a look.
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I’m stumped
glad it did not drop on your foot. Always... ALWAYS let sharp objects fall and step back.
I have also dropped a razor when opening to strop, so fell your pain.
good to see the only damage done can be honed out.

Nice offer Rick & Noah
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you know, i was thinking one of those gel mats used in kitchens would probably a good idea under some key areas (like around the sink or strop area), but a fully padded room would likely be better for some of us...
The wife just bought me a "memory foam" mat from COSTCO last month when I started shaving with straights. She thought about me dropping one and didn't even ask me about it before she bought it. What a gal! Best thing is that it is really warm and cushions my feet. It was about $20.00 and was for my birthday.

I am generally a pretty clumsy person but really turn up my focus when a razor or FP is in my hand. I couldn't believe it; seemed to literally jump out of my hand for no appearant reason. I might need to look into some of the foam mats. I could even do the walls with them. I haven't dropped anything on the ceiling... yet
Those Rensissance razors are super nice. They take a keen, smooth edge, and the rounded heel and roundpoint make for an easy to wield razor.
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