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I went on Ebay again

So it has been a long time since I've gone on Ebay, I'm about to buy a house so I'm pinching my pennies (or cents for the Aussies). Well yesterday I went on just to have a little look online:sneaky2:
3 straights later I'm wondering what happened.

The first I got because I just liked the scales I don't have any blue scales and it's American and my only American razor is my Brian Brown.
The second I only really bought for the ERN I am happy with what I paid just for the ERN so I'm just telling my self the other is a bonus.

I really didn't need these I was doing ok with my 2 month rotation and about 10 ready to restore but I just had a moment of weakness. SWMBO is yet to find out but I'm sure she'll be cool with it :001_tt2: So anyway what do you guys know about the other straights (not the ERN) and make me feel better about buying 3 more that I didn't need. It wasn't heaps of money anyway so I'm not feeling that guilty hahaha!
Thanks Doc I think I would have been good paying just $40 for that! I'm hoping that the scales are ivory!!
Loving the ERN as well.

I hear you about ebay. I think I sorta cured myself of Ebay temporarily by buying a razor to end all razors. Well for the time being. Bought it of BST.

But.. I keep looking on ebay for that beautiful razor in need of a restore.
I don't have any helpful info on either of those two razors......I just gotta say that's gotta suck having to figure in close to $20 into the price of a razor just for shipping. That alone would help me cut down on bidding!
Thanks for the wishes on the house Obiwan it's been about 3 or 4 months worth of looking and things are going well. Luckily (for us) the Australian housing market is shocking at the moment and people can hardly give houses a way so we can afford to be picky because people are so desperate.

Kavik it does suck having to pay almost $20 for shipping it annoys me even more that I have bought about 20+ items from Americans on B&B and postage has come to maybe $10 MAX but I thinking ebay'ers pump up the shipping prices a bit to cover any losses and also cover fees for ebay and paypal. It is upsetting I missed out on a beautiful W&B and a Le Grelot because postage was too much for me to justify buying it. So the lesson is buy more from B&B. I must add though that the seller of the Carbo Magnetic did just refund me $8 as postage was 'cheaper than he thought' very kind of him to have the heart to give me some money back rather then keep it and it will be noted in his feed back rather than my generic comments.

Jred, I cannot say how great Brian is, he managed to pull my half jumbled up ideas and horrid sketches into the most beautiful piece of art. He is a fantastic man and a true gentleman. I likes his work so much I got this!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Seriously?? Lucky you got into straights. A Mach 3 would look bloody stupid on your arm.

Now I have to try a BB. I have trouble deciding on a razor to stick with for a week, let alone one to tattoo on my arm forever. Best advertisement ever.
Yeah just saying the next one I want a discount. You should see the tattoo of the Braun electric razor on my leg and my toothbrush on my foot haha
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