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I was looking at this razor but i don't know?

I'm no expert when it comes to plating losses and brassing and rust etc.maybe someone else could tell me if these brown stains in the last picture will come off it?

Yes It Looks Like They Should~~ Scrubbing Bubbles & A Toothbrush~~ And Then Some Metal Polish, And You Should Be Good
Good Luck...
Usually, brown spots in that area are from a blade that rusted after being left in the razor, and will come off with some polish, though it is possible that there is some plating loss as well. The razor itself will not rust.
Rust in the blade tray always comes off - there may be brassing underneath though. The paint on your fatboy looks very nice, so don't soak this razor in anything harsher then warm, soapy water. After a 10 minute soak, the rust and scum come off easily with a tooth brush.

looks like just soap scum. easy clean up. i soak (30min - overnight) the razor in mild dish washing soap and hot water to loosen up the built on scum. give it a good rinse and use old soft toothbrush with bon ami, then spray with scrubbing bubbles and let that work its magic for 10min. rinse and then hit it up with a toothpaste and the brush. i also use mothers mag and aluminum polish and a dremel at low speed to buff out the razor head and give it some shine. dremel polish wheels dont like the knurling though. :cursing:
Grab yourself a small bottle of "Bar Keepers Friend". The liquid kind, not the powder. It does absolute wonders on all sorts of metal. Use an old toothbrush with it and bingo, the thing will look brand new.
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