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I want a Simpson Wee Scot.....!

I have had a (pre vulfix) Simpson Duke #3 for about ten years and It is an amazing brush ! It will handle anything you throw at it, soaps, creams, great all around brush. But he is lonely, all my other brushes have been sold or traded and it has been over a year with one brush. Anyone out there have a Wee Scot ? I want to use it as a back up, traveler to add to my one brush and 48 razors (kidding) My price range is $40 tops maybe there are some Omega fans out there or something else, it does not have to badger.

For me, the wee scot is mostly a toy that's fun to look at. I use it occasionly with soaps that come in small tubs (RR/Cella). I use my Semogue boar way more than my wee scot. It's a soap destroyer.


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the Wee Scot can be had for less then $40 shipped from vendors like WCS

the smallest brush I am able to use (I have had a Wee and traded it) is the Case, which is an outstanding brush and not too small to face lather with.
The WS is certainly usable, but I did buy it as a novelty.
It rests centered on top of the cabinet between the Lime Sec and Citrus Musk in front of a plant.
The wee's only downfall in my opinion is the lather held for the second and third pass is just not sufficient. It is a great one pass lather brush. You might want to check out the case or classic , as well as the new offerings from omega "mighty midget" I believe its called.
If you're set on Simpson and a smaller one at that then I would look into the Classic 1 or the Case. I have all three and while the Wee is an awesome little brush it does lack the lather holding capacity for a solid third pass (IMO). Both the classic and case are available in the best grade of hair, give them a look.
I have a Wee Scot and absolutely love it. I get enough lather for three or even more passes, but that's me. In general I think wee Scot is a fully functional brush. the only problem I have with it is grip. the handle is just too tiny. Otherwise a complete brush and a good one at that. I end up not using it much because of the handle, but when I do use it I never think it is not enough brush... In fact, I think Wee Scot is just about perfect for me as far as the knot goes. I've been trying to find a companion to the Wee with a larger handle (and slightly larger knot since there is no badger brush with quite the Wee's dimensions, save for some antiques). I tried a Berkeley 46 and that was really nice brush in all respects, but again, too large for me. Fills my ears with soap and is rather messy and leaves a LOT of lather unused. I then tried a Commodore X1B (in best) and that became my favorite brush from first use. It is just the right size for me. The handle is not my favorite ergonomically, but it's not bad and in use the Commodore X1B is just about perfect. I practically have to force myself to rotate it. It's about $50, so not too far out of your budget and can be found on BST for less. Most people prefer larger brushes and Commodore has an X2 and I think even X3 sizes. For me, X1B is perfect. Having said that, I have just traded the Berkeley for the Case and can not wait for it to get to me so I can try that. Case, according to Gary Young, is Wee Scot 2, a larger travel brush.

If you want a super cheap brush to rotate with your Simpson, then consider boar. They are simply fantastic and perform every bit as good as badger, even better in some cases. I have an Omega 10275, which I simply adore and a Semogue 1470, which I can't seem to make good friends with, but trying. Both these brushes together cost about half the price of a Commodore X1B, but the Commodore is super sweet and worth every penny. Basic disadvantages of a boar brush are: need to break in, new brush will not perform to its best abilities for some time. Boars dry very slowly and if you travel it may be an issue. Boars need to be soaked for a good 10-15 minutes before use otherwise they tend to eat the lather. Boars do not last as long as badgers (but given their cost, that's not an issue). Other than that, if you haven't tried a good boar brush like an Omega or Semogue, you should give them a shot. Well worth the low price of admission.
At WCS the Simpson Case is 44 dollars and then if you enter our dicount you save 10% so that should put you at your budget number.

As I re-read your post it didn't say you were set on a Simpson so that opens your options up a bit more.
My brush arsenal is a Wee, a Berkley and a much overlooked brush in the Special. The Berk and Spec are both Pure as I prefer that type of hair believe it or not. I just ordered the MM tonight cause at less than $15 how can you go wrong? I think the Special makes a great brush also and has the easier to use handle. You can get it in best and pure badger. All in all it is my most used brush and at $25 it was a steal!
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I love my Wee Scot. I've been using it for nearly a month of traveling. I can get a 2 or 3 pass shave with it no problem. The handle is indeed tiny, but I get enough lather to suit my needs (usually 2 passes).

The Wee is GREAT and was also the only brush that had (have) the signature by the brush master himself (Alex). Is it a good brush?
On my behalf-for the size and- the sheer pleasure THIS is THE brush for your travelling case. And yes- I am always happy when picking him up when I am on the road. While at home I usually grabs for heavier stuff.There must be a reason for this brush has been around since 1919. Recommended by all means!
Wee Scot Rocks...... Love mine

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I love my wee scot. I tend to use it while traveling with a shave stick. I can get 2 good passes out of it and then go back to the stick to touch up. Highly recommended!
Wish I could say I had a Scot like everyone else... But alas I don't have a Wee Scot... I have a Wee Rover. :biggrin1: Compliments of Mr. Bob Farvour.

Well I ordered the MM with the jade handle from Royal Shave......Duke 3 still needs his partner. I have not used a Simpson that Vulfix has manufactured, can anyone shed some light on the new quality. why the hell did Simpson sell to Vulfix!
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