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I want a Muhle but also want an open comb. bad for a first timer?

I've been going crazy recently trying to figure out what razor I want after discovering DE shaving & how it can improve your skin quality. I'm not the kind of guy that likes to buy multiples of something & would rather buy one that I love & will last & be done with it.

I know there are going to be a lot of suggestions, but my tastes have me really wanting a Muhle. I was about to buy a Merkur 311c because I want a heavy razor & think they look great, but the Muhle's chrome really pops. EJ are also great, but I want the stippling on the handle for additional grip & sadly I don't think the EJ's offer that. And I want to stick all chrome because I really love the look. Unless someone can suggest other makers that have the finish of the Muhle, I want one of them. I like to buy once & cry once & will be very satisfied having a Muhle.

But I also really want to get an open comb because from what I've read, one of the better benefits is it leaving behind cream after the blade touches down to keep the skin moisturized & help eliminate razor burn & ingrown hairs.

I've read the Muhle 41 open comb can be rather aggressive because it's head keeps the blade straight vs a traditional curved DE. But that it only needs 1-2 passes vs a traditional 3 - which with my skin I think I would prefer less passes so I don't get irritation? I have sensitive skin and get neck burn constantly & ingrown hairs occasionally, even as of lately with my electric razor, which in fairness probably just needs a new head, but I always preferred wet shaving vs electric & only went to electric because I got less razor burn. I'v only used a Gillette Sensor Excel (2 blades) before switching to electric, so it was always a pretty mild blade in comparison to what's out there. I only shave roughly twice per week, maybe 3 times if there's a special event. But this was usually because my face couldn't/can't take a daily shaving & my beard really doesn't grow that fast to begin with.

So what says the hive, should I jump in & just work through the learning curve of the R41 open comb to buy once & cry once & get what I want, or am I looking too deep into the lather being left behind with an open comb & just go for the slightly milder R89 closed comb version?

I should say I am really going to try to go the mile when shaving to keep good skin, going to use Prorasic Pre/Post & a high quality cream like TOBS. I will then use an after shave (which I normally don't now & is probably another problem of mine)

But is the Proraso Pre/Post considered an aftershave or do you still need an aftershave after the Proraso Post?

Thinking of running Feather blades if it matters. I've read nothing but praise for them by many people.
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The new (2013 version) Muhle R41 is said to be less aggressive than the prior (2011) version. I think that is my next razor. Be warned, I have an R89 and the handle IS NOT super grippy. I was disappointed in that. The handle is actually fairly slick as the pattern is very shallow. I get more grip with the white resin Muhle handle I bought. Merkur handles have much more grip, even though they look more utilitarian.

Most of the online retailers will tell you if the R41's they're selling are 2011 or 2013 models. All you have to do is ask. I started with an open comb, Merkur 25c, or 180 long pole, whatever you want to call it. I quickly learned to get great shaves with it. I later had to have a Muhle also and bought the R89, convinced it was the one for me. And at first I did love the shaves. But gradually my shave quality went down until finally out of frustration I switched back to my Merkur and my shave quality went back to excellent. I may be an open comb guy too, but I am still looking for the vintage Gillette that shaves me fantastic.

I think the 2013 R41 would be fine to start with. Just go easy on the pressure and really watch your angle and be careful. It's not starting your shaving career in the kiddie pool, but it's not going off the 10M platform either. Don't discount some of the other razors on the market in the same price range as the Muhle. The Muhle is a great looking razor, but the handle grip leaves a lot to be desired.
Well after hearing your reviews of the handle, I'm less interested. I really want a grippy handle for slip factor.

What other razors are out there that have the look of a Muhle but a much better stippling for grip?

I appreciate the info though & the new 2013 R41 sounds like a great razor that I am still highly considering.
Yeah I wouldn't do a 3rd pass with that razor like he did. I'm hoping for 1-2 perhaps.

True, if you can get this down to 1-2 passes then that's a pretty big selling point to a lot of people.

I just (a few mins ago) ordered MY first DE razor and went with the not quite so aggressive EJ DE89L.
Fingers crossed it is "my" type of razor :)

Good luck!

View attachment 360250
I have tried quite a few razors now, and I have come to the conclusion that for me at least, I want a razor that will get me shaved in two passes. However, it has to be the mildest razor necessary to achieve that aim. I am of the opinion that many razors will give you a two pass shave every bit as good as the R41, but you have to concentrate on getting the angle right.

After much practice, I can shave bloodlessly with the R41, but it is too harsh for everyday. From the Muehle website ref the R41: "The new safety razor is predestined for men with a denser, stronger beard growth or for those prefer to sport three-day stubble".

You might like the Fatip Piccolo (I have bought that razor three times before learning to love it). You might also like the Merkur 37C slant, an incredibly mild but effective razor. The Merkur 34C HD is another great razor. Even the Merkur 25C opencomb can be very effective with practice. All are grippy and have an industrial look and feel to them, which I find attractive. My experience with the Muehle R89 is that it irritates me - no idea why.

The thing is, until you buy something and try it, you won't know if it's right for you - and that's half the fun.
+1 for the FaTip

I use a FaTip Picolo on a daily basis & get a BBS from a 2 pass (WTG/ATG) & minor touch ups. I also have a Muhle R101 (R41 head/black resin handle) & like another poster stated, the resin handle gives more grip than the metal handle. I achieve a ridiculously close shave with the R101, but I know my face could not stand using this every day.

I personally like the FaTip's retro cool looks & the fact it is made of brass & not pot metal like the Muhles. The build quality of the FaTips is a bit "rustic", so if you are looking for something that looks great, has great build quality & good grip (& you have deep pockets!!), I would recommend the Tradere OC. That really would be a buy once deal, as it is built like a tank out of machined stainless steel & will last forever.
But I also really want to get an open comb because from what I've read, one of the better benefits is it leaving behind cream after the blade touches down to keep the skin moisturized & help eliminate razor burn & ingrown hairs.

So what says the hive, should I jump in & just work through the learning curve of the R41 open comb to buy once & cry once & get what I want, or am I looking too deep into the lather being left behind with an open comb & just go for the slightly milder R89 closed comb version?

Thinking of running Feather blades if it matters. I've read nothing but praise for them by many people.
The open comb leaves more lather for the blade to ride on. However, the blade removes the lather after its pass. If it does not, you angle is wrong. If you want to maintain good skin condition, use a good moisturiser after shaving.
The Merkur 34C is a great shaver and has a really good grip which is why I prefer it to the EJ. I also prefer the 2 piece design.
Try a sample of blades but certainly the Astra SP, Astra SS or Rapira SS.
If you are looking for a good solid keeper, then look at Tradere, Weber, Above the Tie or Ikon Razors, not at the same price point as Merkur or Muhle, but not many regret buying these razors.
I certainly would not start with a R41 open comb, even the 2013 version. Having said that, I find my 2013 R41 a wonderful razor and actually is less irritating/dangerous than many closed combs I have tried (ok, all of them!).

For starting out, I'd try a vintage Gillette New short or long comb (or, for a new one, Matador which is a fancier looking Cadet). I haven't received my Matador yet, but am looking forward to it. My New shaves wonderfully, as close as my R41, but also feels "safer."

Since I plan on mailing 1-2 New open combs to England for replating, I think that says quite clearly how I feel about the New. :thumbup1:
After using an EJde89 exclusively for the last year, I recently picked up a 2011 r41. As it turns out, my initial concerns were all pretty silly - I get really close & comfortable shaves off the r41 each and every time. You'll be amazed by its performance with very first time you use it!
I would recommend a Muhle R89. I have one. It is an outstanding favorite, among my 35 DE safety razors. I find the handle to be comfortable and NOT slippery. The Muhle R89 is a medium aggression razor. It cuts whiskers well, but not one's skin.

I would NOT recommend a Muhle R41 for a "learning" razor. It would be like learning to drive with a Ferrari. Not a good plan.

Let us know what you decide, and how it goes.
I certainly would not start with a R41 open comb, even the 2013 version. Having said that, I find my 2013 R41 a wonderful razor and actually is less irritating/dangerous than many closed combs I have tried (ok, all of them!).

For starting out, I'd try a vintage Gillette New short or long comb (or, for a new one, Matador which is a fancier looking Cadet). I haven't received my Matador yet, but am looking forward to it. My New shaves wonderfully, as close as my R41, but also feels "safer."

Since I plan on mailing 1-2 New open combs to England for replating, I think that says quite clearly how I feel about the New. :thumbup1:

You know I am now starting to look forward to hear your opinions on that Matador once you get it, even more so since my shave this morning with my NEW, as I might look at one for a new (as opposed to vintage) OC razor.
Well after hearing your reviews of the handle, I'm less interested. I really want a grippy handle for slip factor.

What other razors are out there that have the look of a Muhle but a much better stippling for grip?

I appreciate the info though & the new 2013 R41 sounds like a great razor that I am still highly considering.
I think everyone opinion is just that, an opinion. Sure it isn't super grippy like i'd imagine the merkur HD to be with that gnarly knurling but I don't find it slippery either. It's also probably the best looking head/handle razor out there, again, IMO. Plus, it really comes down to the head anyways... if you're super happy with it and can't stand the handle there is a lot of aftermarket handle options. Check out this one another member posted:View attachment 360405
True, if you can get this down to 1-2 passes then that's a pretty big selling point to a lot of people.

I just (a few mins ago) ordered MY first DE razor and went with the not quite so aggressive EJ DE89L.
Fingers crossed it is "my" type of razor :)

Good luck!

View attachment 360250

For those who don't know, that's the same head as the Muhle. You'll love it.
I certainly would not start with a R41 open comb, even the 2013 version. Having said that, I find my 2013 R41 a wonderful razor and actually is less irritating/dangerous than many closed combs I have tried (ok, all of them!).

I'm thinking about ordering a 2013 r41 after a few more weeks getting this r89 down butttt I know that'll mean having to buy a second Muhle razor stand and DAMN those things are expensive.

edit: damn, sorry about triple post.
Muhle makes some terrific razors. I have a 2013 R41 and an R89. The knurling on the handle may not be as aggressive as others, but as long as I rinse the lather completely off, it doesn't feel slippery at all. If you want deep, sharp knurling, get a Weber Bulldog handle. I have one that I use with a NEW head, and it's awesome.
As for using an R41 for your first DE razor; I say go for it. But I'm one of those that can use it day after day and not suffer any ill effects. Pay attention to pressure and angle, and you'll do just fine.
Best of luck, and happy shaves!
I think everyone opinion is just that, an opinion. Sure it isn't super grippy like i'd imagine the merkur HD to be with that gnarly knurling but I don't find it slippery either. It's also probably the best looking head/handle razor out there, again, IMO. Plus, it really comes down to the head anyways... if you're super happy with it and can't stand the handle there is a lot of aftermarket handle options. Check out this one another member posted:View attachment 360405

That's a pretty sharp setup there in that pic and that handle looks plenty grippy.

What handle is that? And what head?

I'd like a similar setup but I do want an open comb, i think it makes a lot of sense with the leaving the lather for the blade.
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I have no problems with the Muhle's shallow knurling (and I love the look). It's only slippery if there's lather/soap on it (wet is fine), and wiggling my fingers in a sink of water (even with bits of lather) makes it grip just fine.
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