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I used to curse having to shave...

...but not anymore. I actually find myself cursing the fact that I only have to shave every other day. I now look forward to it, and set aside about an hour for it every other evening. I find it very relaxing, and a welcomed simple pleasure in a world often full of chaos. I've also found that it has lead me to other "disorders", not commonly spoken of. For example, I can no longer stand to see the smallest speck of shaving residue in my sink, where I used to not care so much. SSD, spotless sink disorder? I am also enjoying my SCAD, and SSAD, meandering though all the different creams and soaps. So far my favorite scent is the Nomad I picked up from C&E, and the Proraso is my favorite pick for how it leaves my skin feeling afterward. For someone who grew up without anyone to teach me to shave, the goal was always to smear some crap on my face, scrape it off as fast as possible, and see how long I could get by before having to do it again. Not anymore, and I guess this post stands as a friendly "thank you" to all the members of this forum, who so willingly offer advice, and go as far as giving equipment away all in the spirit of helping strangers find that little piece of pleasure that accompanies the time honored tradition of wet shaving. Thanks again, to all...
We've all been there I think, I used to hate shaving, now I quite enjoy taking my time to select a cream or a soap or a paste, then choosing a blade if a new one is needed then the whole relaxing ritual, on a day where I feel crap, it can really pick you up that extra notch, and when done up to the nines, you feel that bit better than everyone else because you took the time :D

Isn't it better to look forward to it everyday, take a little extra time, slow down, and relax? it's the way I like to start my day!
This really is a great place, full of really great people. And shaving ought to be enjoyed - and the AD's - when properly kept under control (I am a hypocrite), are great because a little variety is what makes me want to go back every day.

But I do cherish the day when I will enjoy shaving. I don't think I will have the time or patience for that anytime soon. Looks like I will be enjoying it when I retire in a few decades.
I still rarely shave on the weekends but I do enjoy shaving now with the proper tools and the still growing choices of soaps, creams, aftershaves, and razors. :smile:
For the majority of B&Bers I think it's really a case of curse to pleasure. I'm thankfully I am blessed with a beard that requires daily maintenance... boy if I had told myself that 6 month ago I'd have died of laughter!:biggrin:
I use to complain so much about shaving. I just couldn't wait to get it over with. Now, I have to admit that I look forward to it and am pretty addicted to this forum. LOL
I think many on this forum have written threads just like this one. It is amazing how changing something like shaving can impact your day to day outlook on life!

Isn't it better to look forward to it everyday, take a little extra time, slow down, and relax? it's the way I like to start my day!

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