I did something that's making me want to try a fat handled Tech. I've been shaving with my Futur exclusively since I got it this past winter. When I got it I adjusted it to 3 and had my first shave with it. Feeling like 3 was too much I backed off to 2 and feeling that that setting was good I went up to 2.5. It still felt good and left it there ever since. Today I wondered how it would shave at 1. So, today I set my Futur on 1 and had a really great shave. Well, actually slightly lower than 1. I just adjusted it all the way down which goes just past 1. I couldn't feel the blade at all but I had a really great shave. I did my usual three passes and as of right now my shave feels as close as any shave I've gotten at higher settings. I'll have to wait until later tonight to see how long it lasts. I guess it's true, prep and technique are more important than how aggressive the razor is. I have a heavy coarse beard and this very mild setting still did the job.
Maybe a fat handled Tech would work well as a second razor for me.
Maybe a fat handled Tech would work well as a second razor for me.