Well I just started shaving with a straight, I bought two online from reputable people that were shave ready. For lack of experience and technique they felt very rough and pulled hard so I attempted to hone them with the barbers hone I got. I felt that I had read enough info on here and experience sharpening knives to be able to touch up the razors no problem. My problem is they started getting duller, one of them I stopped honing so I wouldnt ruin it the other I kept trying. Basically I realized that when it was sharpened before it must have had the spine taped because there was very little wear on the spine and I thought the extra thickness of the tape could change the angle of the edge.
Once again I tried honing the razor but with tape, it seemed to get sharper but I noticed the edge was getting a frown and wasn't totally even so I stopped. I thought I was performing the X pattern well and also tried small circles with the razor but I guess not well enough. So can anyone throw any recommendations out and also I need to get them honed. I know there are so stores that can hone them but I dont know which one to go with. I'd almost rather go with someone on here to help me out. I have no problem paying for the honing but just want to get them sharp so I can start shaving!
Thanks everyone!
Once again I tried honing the razor but with tape, it seemed to get sharper but I noticed the edge was getting a frown and wasn't totally even so I stopped. I thought I was performing the X pattern well and also tried small circles with the razor but I guess not well enough. So can anyone throw any recommendations out and also I need to get them honed. I know there are so stores that can hone them but I dont know which one to go with. I'd almost rather go with someone on here to help me out. I have no problem paying for the honing but just want to get them sharp so I can start shaving!
Thanks everyone!