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I suck at honing

Well I just started shaving with a straight, I bought two online from reputable people that were shave ready. For lack of experience and technique they felt very rough and pulled hard so I attempted to hone them with the barbers hone I got. I felt that I had read enough info on here and experience sharpening knives to be able to touch up the razors no problem. My problem is they started getting duller, one of them I stopped honing so I wouldnt ruin it the other I kept trying. Basically I realized that when it was sharpened before it must have had the spine taped because there was very little wear on the spine and I thought the extra thickness of the tape could change the angle of the edge.

Once again I tried honing the razor but with tape, it seemed to get sharper but I noticed the edge was getting a frown and wasn't totally even so I stopped. I thought I was performing the X pattern well and also tried small circles with the razor but I guess not well enough. So can anyone throw any recommendations out and also I need to get them honed. I know there are so stores that can hone them but I dont know which one to go with. I'd almost rather go with someone on here to help me out. I have no problem paying for the honing but just want to get them sharp so I can start shaving!

Thanks everyone!
is it possible to see pictures of said frown? just so the wear can be seen...also, keep your chin up!
what hones do you have if I may ask? is it a combination barber only or do you have others as well



OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
If you are introducing a frown with a barber hone then you are using too much pressure, or honing for too long, and probably both.

A barber hone is meant for fast touch ups, a half dozen laps, with just the weight of the razor. They cut fast.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Lapping film on regularly used razors. Practice using the hone and shaving with razors that you don't, 1. regularly use. 2. don't care if they get jacked up a little.


Loves a smelly brush
Tape will change your angle, and over time the angle will just get worse and worse the more you hone with tape. I don't recommend it. Plus I bought my razor to use, not to show off, so spine wear isn't even something I think about let alone try to avoid.
Tape will change your angle, and over time the angle will just get worse and worse the more you hone with tape. I don't recommend it. Plus I bought my razor to use, not to show off, so spine wear isn't even something I think about let alone try to avoid.

I buy mine to use AND show off and don't mind showing off my spinewear :)
20 bucks your bevel is all messed up now. If you like I'd be happy to hone them if you pay shipping. I haven't done a PiF in a while. Drop me a PM.
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Experienced honers can hone leaving minimal hone wear on the spine. Chances are if you bought them from someone reputable here they we're shave ready and the dull feel was due to your technique or stropping or both.

I would recommend having someone here hone your razors and then get some beaters from eBay or gold dollars to practice on. Or some shave ready gold dollars for cheap from buca in the hobbyist section that you can try touching up when needed but won't take a loss if you mess up.
Experienced honers can hone leaving minimal hone wear on the spine. Chances are if you bought them from someone reputable here they we're shave ready and the dull feel was due to your technique or stropping or both.

I would recommend having someone here hone your razors and then get some beaters from eBay or gold dollars to practice on. Or some shave ready gold dollars for cheap from buca in the hobbyist section that you can try touching up when needed but won't take a loss if you mess up.

It's just a matter of knowing when the bevel is set and stopping there. That really determines spine wear.

If you are introducing a frown with a barber hone then you are using too much pressure, or honing for too long, and probably both. A barber hone is meant for fast touch ups, a half dozen laps, with just the weight of the razor. They cut fast.

And then this

20 bucks your bevel is all messed up now. If you like I'd be happy to hone them if you pay shipping. I haven't done a PiF in a while. Drop me a PM.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
My razors wear their spine bevels as a badge of honor. It tells the world that they are SHAVERS, not just show-ers.

Don't tape unless you positively know that taping will benefit the blade's functionality.

At this point your bevel itself is in doubt. Let someone else hone it so you can start fresh, maintaining a shave-ready edge again. Try using lather on your barber hone. Film would actually be better but you already have the barber hone. Just for craps and chuckles, lap your barber hone carefully on a sheet of sandpaper fixed to a polished marble 12x12 tile or a heavy piece of glass. Just to verify flatness if nothing else. Did I mention using lather on the barber hone?

You might be "bending" the razor over the edge of the barber hone. This is common on a stone narrow enough to require x-strokes. Pressure will intensify the effect. If you are honing with the hone resting on a solid surface, STOP. Hold the hone loosely in your left hand and hone with the right or vice versa. Let the blade find it's own alignment with the hone. It's the right thing to do.

A Whipped Dog or a Buca-ized GD would be good learning platforms for honing. Just shave with it until it is dull and then have at it.
I see a buca-ized GD in my future! I had been using water on the hone but I'll start using lather and holding it in my hand! Once again thanks everyone!
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