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I stepped up to the plate...

I tried these feather blades out on a Merkur 34C HD, and bled like a stuck hog. I was measured and found wanting. The feathers just jumped up and bit me. :001_tt2:

Well, months had passed and I decided to try them out again. This time, on my 58 Fatboy on setting #7. I made my WTG pass with a new blade and a new razor.....presto, its BBS.

I was amazed at the difference b/w Merkur blades and Feather blades.

So, I'm looking at this...

Merkur blades to get a BBS = WTG, XTG, some ATG.

Feather blades to get a BBS = WTG

I think feather blades just won over a new customer. :drool:
It is fantastic when just the change of a blade results in a perfect shave. Congrats!

I also love my Feathers but they are expensive in comparison, so I often find myself reaching for my Astras instead which are almost if not quite as good.
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