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I shave at night

As much as I would like to have a super smooth shave at work, I find it's just too much trouble to shave in the morning. At night, I can set up my kit for the next day without rushing and get everything done properly.

I lay out my clothes for the next day and my jammies for bed, fix my wallet, load my backpack for work, pack my lunch, sometimes set up my breakfast for the AM, count out my pills (getting old), and set up for a foot soak. After taking care of my feet, I set up for a nice hot shower. I happen to like loading up a Dawn soap foamer with Dr. Bronner's peppermint diluted 4 to 1 and finish off with a final rinse with Old Spice Swagger on a brush. After the rinse I give my beard a few minutes with hot water in the shower before setting up my shave.

I work a dot of C&O Bigelow green to a lather in my palm with a no-name badger brush, work the brush on my neck to raise up the hair, and go to work with a Schick injector single edge. Once I get comfortably smooth I can take care of the (rare) bleed with no clock to beat. I'm not waiting to put on a clean white crew neck undershirt, just a scrub top. In the morning, a quick rinse and change and I'm out the door in ten minutes.

I'd rather hit the bed clean and smelling good than have a gleaming shave in the AM for my coworkers.
My process is much different then yours but is done for the same reasons. A great shave seems fine the next day anyways. I'll still shave in the morning on days that I have off or have special events going on tho. Then the challenge is deciding whether or not to shave two times that day. Oh the trials of the the traditional shaver!! :biggrin1:
I prefer to have a slow and leisurely shave in the evening too, plus I'd rather have a few extra minutes to sleep or read the paper with a coffee before work in the morning. I have a fairly slow beard growth though, so I still look fairly clean cut the morning after.
I cant even imagine doing anything more than what I do in the morning. Personally, I hate waking up for any other reason than wanting to. Alarms, job, anything makes me a grouch. I literally get dressed brush my teeth and out the door in 10 minutes. I cut it so close in the mornings. lol. in the evening though, Psh, I take my sweet time with my shave after my long hot shower, I put on some Frank Sinatra or some other easy listening music and have it!
I have to agree with you guys.

I've also found that it seems like any irritation I do get, particularly in the winter time, benefits from my face spending a few hours not doing anything. If I head right out the door after shaving, that blast or 20 degree super dry air seems to just make any irritation I have just a bit worse.
I have to shave in the AM, even BBS the night before won't survive scrutiny at work after the early AM for me. I can do a non-rushed face wash, lather and three pass shave, witch hazel, proraso pre/post, and AS balm, clean up my gear and set to dry and clean up the sink in about 15 minutes. The morning ritual allows me time to come to grips with the day and a good AM shave helps set a positive tone for the whole day.

I rarely have anything worse than a weeper or two, but even when I opened myself up with my straight, a quick rub with styptic pencil, 30 seconds soak time and a quick rinse stops any bleeding I might have. As for anything shaving related, YMMV.
+1 on the evening. And then you get to go to bed feeling all fresh and clean.

And the title of this thread is crying out for a 'Mwoo-ha-ha-Ha-HA!!'
As much as I would like to have a super smooth shave at work, I find it's just too much trouble to shave in the morning. At night, I can set up my kit for the next day without rushing and get everything done properly.

I lay out my clothes for the next day and my jammies for bed, fix my wallet, load my backpack for work, pack my lunch, sometimes set up my breakfast for the AM, count out my pills (getting old), and set up for a foot soak. After taking care of my feet, I set up for a nice hot shower. I happen to like loading up a Dawn soap foamer with Dr. Bronner's peppermint diluted 4 to 1 and finish off with a final rinse with Old Spice Swagger on a brush. After the rinse I give my beard a few minutes with hot water in the shower before setting up my shave.

I work a dot of C&O Bigelow green to a lather in my palm with a no-name badger brush, work the brush on my neck to raise up the hair, and go to work with a Schick injector single edge. Once I get comfortably smooth I can take care of the (rare) bleed with no clock to beat. I'm not waiting to put on a clean white crew neck undershirt, just a scrub top. In the morning, a quick rinse and change and I'm out the door in ten minutes.

I'd rather hit the bed clean and smelling good than have a gleaming shave in the AM for my coworkers.

I have a similar evening routine. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Night Shavers! (BONS??)
I too am a night shaver! I love winding down after dinner then taking a quick shower and a nice leisurely shave. I only shave every other day so I get to sleep in an extra 15 minutes every other day which is superb, and SWMBO loves it when I come to bed with a soft face!
I have to shave in the AM, even BBS the night before won't survive scrutiny at work after the early AM for me. I can do a non-rushed face wash, lather and three pass shave, witch hazel, proraso pre/post, and AS balm, clean up my gear and set to dry and clean up the sink in about 15 minutes. The morning ritual allows me time to come to grips with the day and a good AM shave helps set a positive tone for the whole day.

I rarely have anything worse than a weeper or two, but even when I opened myself up with my straight, a quick rub with styptic pencil, 30 seconds soak time and a quick rinse stops any bleeding I might have. As for anything shaving related, YMMV.

I'm with you. Definitely have to shave in the AM.
I also shave at night. I still have a pretty nice shave in the morning, but not BBS obviously. We only have 1 bathroom and my wife and my schedule are pretty much the same. I would have to wake up much earlier as to not hog the bathroom and I don't want to have to super rush my shave each morning. Night is fine.
We only have 1 bathroom and my wife and my schedule are pretty much the same. I would have to wake up much earlier as to not hog the bathroom.

This is my situation. I do wake up earllier and shave in the morning. I'm an early riser so no skin off my back and it sets the tone for the day. Plus I've got two small children and once they are in bed I like to spend the rest of the evening watching sports or hanging with my wife and catching up on TV shows (i.e.: "Breaking Bad" or "Homeland" or "The League"). YMMV
It's a good way for me to unwind after the workday and sets a good tone for a relaxing evening. I take my time shaving. The whole thing from start to finish runs at least 45 minutes. It wouldn't be as enjoyable for me to do it in the morning.

Nothing like a good leisurely evening shave. If I happen to cut or irritate myself it's all gone by morning and I still look clean cut through the majority of the next day.
I'm still new to the world of wet shaving, so I really need all the time I can get. The first few nights after I got my razor and gear, my fiance kept asking me why I was spending so much time in the bathroom after my shower.

Honestly, I think I will try to go back to morning shaves once my routine doesn't take so long. Before I converted, a morning shave was part of my pre-work ritual. I sort of miss that.

Having said that....I do like falling asleep to the scent of bay rum...hehe.
+1 to the evening but for a different reason. I'm pretty bad about getting out of bed in time to have a nice shave before I leave. I must say, it is nice going to bed and having a little private faceturbation time before going to sleep.
I've only been DE shaving for a few months and I've shaved a few times at night when I knew I'd be rushing in the morning. It makes sense as it was nice to take my time and I felt like I had better shaves. I still prefer to shave in the morning just because I NEED my morning shower, even if I showered at night, to wake up and it makes sense to shave right afterwards. I find I only need an extra 10 minutes at most now so it's not a big deal. I have been enjoying shaving so much now that recently I shaved again at night when the wife was out of town for a few days. I feel like maybe it was a bit metro, but I enjoyed a glass of wine watching a basketball game on tv and then had a nice shower & shave.
I shave at night, too. I already have to get up at 5:20 in the morning, and I don't want to have to get up any earlier. Plus, I find shaving before I go to bed to be very relaxing, as I can take my time doing it.
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