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I really hate it when

someone, without any intention of bidding or buying themselves, tells a seller on an auction site that the razor they have listed, will go for a ridiculous amount of money. And of course the seller adds that exchange to the listing. A bidding war starts, mostly by newbs who haven't a clue what the razor is but sees where some yokel said it was worth a bajillion dollars so they decide they want it at all costs!

It's one thing to tell a seller what they have, but another to jack up the price like that. In cases like this, it's up to the seller to know what they have, and the buyer to know what it is.

So please, if you're doing this, keep your mouth shut.


/rant off.
I found it odd that someone felt it necessary to tell that seller. He or she already obviously knew it was a valuable piece.
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My elbows leak
Staff member
I've said it before, but it's worth repeating;

When you tell some clueless guy on Ebay that the Diplomat he has listed as a Tech is worth more, he will jack the price up.

If you tell the same guy that the Tech he has listed as a Diplomat is worth less, he will get mad at you and ignore you.

While we are all here to help out our fellow noobs in identifying what is and what isn't a Tech or a Diplomat, that is done here on our forum.

It is the responsibility of anyone on Ebay selling something to take due dilligence in researching what it is they are selling.
It is the responsibility of anyone on Ebay selling something to take due dilligence in researching what it is they are selling.

Exactly! I have few purchases from eBay, but when I run across a listing that's incorrectly represented, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's shows the seller couldn't be bothered to do any decent research. I sort of look at it this way, if you went to a Toyota Dealership and asked to see their new Corollas and they brought you a Camry...how much confidence would you have in that salesman that he/she knows their stuff? Same thing applies here. Who would want to do business with someone like that? (of course if the price is just unbelievably low, I"m sure I'd buy from that seller. :lol:)
Ebay is frustrating when people don't think before they act.
But I just can't stay away.
A deal is just around the corner.....(doesn't that sound familiar?)
Well I can beat that. What would you say if:

(1) A seller offers a razor here on BST, and (2) someone comments later in the thread that it will sell for 50 percent more on ebay, then about an hour later (3) I try to buy the razor, but (4) the seller then informs me via PM that he is withdrawing the razor from the BST, whereupon (5) a week later he puts it on ebay, but (6) when the auction is over he only gets the same price that he offered it for here on the BST, but in reality (7) lost money because of ebay fees, etc. :blink:
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Well I can beat that. What would you say if:

(1) A seller offers a razor here on BST, and (2) someone comments later in the thread that it will sell for 50 percent more on ebay, then about an hour later (3) I try to buy the razor, but (4) the seller then informs me via PM that he is withdrawing the razor from the BST, whereupon (5) a week later he puts it on ebay, but (6) when the auction is over he only gets the same price that he offered it for here on the BST, but in reality (7) lost money because of ebay fees, etc. :blink:

I would say the seller is shady and got what he deserved?
I would say the seller is shady and got what he deserved?

Well I wouldn't say shady. He was probably sitting on the fence about whether he should sell it or not when he got my email. And I was on the fence for about 45 minutes trying to decide if I wanted it or not. If I had PM'd as soon as I saw the razor I probably would have gotten it.

So no hard feelings, but I think that it's always best that when you put something on the BST at a certain price and someone PMs you before you officially withdraw it then it should be sold. After all, B&B pretty much works on the handshake and it's always good policy to keep your word and/or commitments. And who knows, there's a possibility that he might have officially withdrawn the razor while I was busy writing my PM to him. It seems to me, though, that he officially withdrew it later.

Really, though, I guess the reason I brought this whole episode up is to say that it's probably not the best idea to tell someone on the BST that a certain razor will bring more on ebay, because in reality it may not and that just hurts the seller and potential buyers.
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I find it funny when sellers post emails with people offering a buy it now for $30 for a high end razor.
Reminds me of the Double ring that I got when the seller said:

"'im very sorry but you're the third person to ask me for a buy it now on this, and I just don't get why anyone would want an old three piece razor when they could have a nice twist to open or a modern, fashionable multiblade one that performs so efficiently! I mean, do they even make blades for these clumsy antiques anymore? Heck if I know. Anyway, like I told the last person, changing the listing now just is not in the stars due to Saturn and Neptune being in an unsettled alignment right now. That means this is definitely not a time to change routines. The Pleiades aren't looking too good, either, so I'm doubly uncomfortable altering anything right now. Just between you and me, this is the second day in a row I haven't bathed; the alignments just aren't right for it yet. And don't even ask about the catbox...burning scented candles around it only does so much, you know? I'm sure you understand and respect my feelings here. Thanks again for asking, though - and hey, it's an old fogey's razor...put in the minimum bid and I'll bet you'll take it with no competition. Of course you may want to consult your horoscope or a seer for guidance first, just to be safe. Peace to you in the name of Mother Earth!"
I agree totally. I wish people would just bid and talk afterwards.....or better yet not talk at all. Who in the right mind would tell a seller that the razor they want to purchase for a deal is worth more than what it is going to sell for :blink: You have to be kidding me.

If you dont know what you have for sale then dont sell it :lol:
Thus is the reason I hate the Bay...I deal with enough stupid people at work...don't need to deal with them on my free time.
Forgive me for being a potential jerk, but this seems to only be an issue when someone is hoping to get a low bid in under the radar.

Nothing wrong with that, of course. I have done it myself--and have seen items I wanted increase in price when someone alerted the seller to the potential value.

Information is power, and people are free to do whatever they want with it. Information sharing is part and parcel of buying and selling, and it happens all the time--and not just on eBay.

Carry on.
I've said it before, but it's worth repeating;

When you tell some clueless guy on Ebay that the Diplomat he has listed as a Tech is worth more, he will jack the price up.

If you tell the same guy that the Tech he has listed as a Diplomat is worth less, he will get mad at you and ignore you.

While we are all here to help out our fellow noobs in identifying what is and what isn't a Tech or a Diplomat, that is done here on our forum.

It is the responsibility of anyone on Ebay selling something to take due dilligence in researching what it is they are selling.

Phil, is right on spot...... again.
Forgive me for being a potential jerk, but this seems to only be an issue when someone is hoping to get a low bid in under the radar.

Not that at all. While it's always nice to get something valuable for low money - afterall, aren't we all on the hunt for the best deals? - in this particular case, a drive by telling someone their stuff is worth a lot of money and even giving a dollar figure sounds to me more like someone trying to get everyone priced out of the auction so the person doesn't have many people to "fight" with - or - just mad because they can't afford it and want to make sure most other people can't afford it either. I'll tell people all day long what kind of razor they have but I would never tell them it's worth "this" or "that". It's up to the seller to know what they have and price accordingly. It's called research. If you didn't care enough to do that research, then you shouldn't care what it sells for. This is why we don't discuss specific auctions here on B&B.. so as not to cause bidding wars, more eyes, etc. Unfortunately, auction sites don't operate by the same ethics. But that doesn't excuse it.
I would say I disagree to most of the comments. If its up to the buyer than we are all vultures! I tend to buy at yard sales, maybe I am the last honest a-hole but... If I spy a razor and the say a dollar I will tell them no and give them the value and tell them what I will pay. I have yet to pick one up for a unfair amount. I DO give them the price it is worth in the condition its in... meaning if I go home and wash and buff and polish its worth more. If all we want to do is rob unsuspecting buyers then this forum is more like a thieves guild and less like a gentlemens forum. Just my thoughts!

I would say I disagree to most of the comments. If its up to the buyer than we are all vultures! I tend to buy at yard sales, maybe I am the last honest a-hole but... If I spy a razor and the say a dollar I will tell them no and give them the value and tell them what I will pay. I have yet to pick one up for a unfair amount. I DO give them the price it is worth in the condition its in... meaning if I go home and wash and buff and polish its worth more. If all we want to do is rob unsuspecting buyers then this forum is more like a thieves guild and less like a gentlemens forum. Just my thoughts!


Rob? Seriously? :glare:

No one is trying to "rob" anyone and this has nothing to do with being a gentleman. As collector's, and essentially investors, it's a given that most of us are looking for the best available price. If you invest in Google stock and you know the company is worth gazillions, are you going to offer $10,000 a share or buy them at $527.17 a share (price Google is closed at today)?
Yeah that was probably a little harsh as I was already in a kinda angry mood so I apologize. We all want a good deal but I believe we need to be fair when dealing with individuals. Now an antique store is different IMO, they have made it their business to trade in collectibles so they should know the value. I have always found if I deal honestly with people I end up with a good deal anyway. I will admit that I am probably a little extreme in that regard. I had something I had bought and didn't want not long after joining B&B. After finding out what it was someone pm'd me with interest, I told them I didn't want to sell it. I then contacted that person after my 50 posts as I said I believed that was the spirit of the BST rules. Just my 2 cents.

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