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I never understood Shaving Soap!

As I child growing up I watched my father using a shaving brush that he had from the pre-WWII era with the regular bar soap that was in the bathroom then lather up with shave cream from a can then shave with his double edge razor. I was under the impression that the weak lather and water that he applied to his face helped the canned shaving cream work better but never considered that some people would actually be using soap alone to shave!

When I was in my 20's I was asked by a relative what I would like for Christmas and I replied "a shaving mug and a brush" and that is how I started "wet shaving" as I viewed it back then! I used the same technique that my father had with a shaving soap instead but never really tried to work that soap into a lather! I really didn't have a clue! I would then use the brush to lather with canned shave cream as he did! Then I discovered the British shaving creams like Taylor of Old Bond Street on a trip to London about 20 years ago... However, it wasn't until a few weeks ago while doing some investigation online and in books that I realized that guys actually shaved with the shaving soap alone! OMG! :eek:

Anyway, I was curious if anyone else might have had that experience!

PS - by the way, the last time I was at my fathers house (which was several years ago) he still had that same badger brush which probably dated back to the late 1930's, had only the black bases of the badger hair were visible and not many of those were left! :lol: ... that would make that brush around 70 years old!:eek:
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Never saw that but I did see my grandpa spurt some EDGE gel into his shaving mug with the soap! What the purpose of that was I have not a clue.
About 30 odd years ago someone gave me a gift of a shave brush, mug, shave soap and a handle for my Trac II blades. I didn't have a clue how to use the shave soap and brush. I tried it once, produced an almost non-existent lather and then packed it away in my drawer.

I re-discovered traditional wet shaving a little over a year ago and will never go back to shaving with the multi-blade razors and goo in a can. I enjoy shaving now, more than I ever have! And also enjoy the forum and the gentlemen who frequent it.
My dad always has and to this day lathers with ivory bar soap and his 70s-era camel hair (!) brush. I haven't seen it since I started "traditional" wetshaving, but I recall the lather being quite thin as a kid (when I started shaving with canned foam). I think I am going to get him a new brush and some quality shaving soap as a gift pretty soon now.
My dad always has and to this day lathers with ivory bar soap and his 70s-era camel hair (!) brush. I haven't seen it since I started "traditional" wetshaving, but I recall the lather being quite thin as a kid (when I started shaving with canned foam). I think I am going to get him a new brush and some quality shaving soap as a gift pretty soon now.

A buddy of mine uses the Aloe Irish Springs to shave with, I'm only imaging the razor burn one would get with a bath soap....
A buddy of mine uses the Aloe Irish Springs to shave with, I'm only imaging the razor burn one would get with a bath soap....

Maybe, but there is a lot of Tallow in Irish Spring soap! :thumbup1: That & Yardley (USA made) are my favorite bar soaps. I'll never shave with them. With so many great soaps & creams to choose from. Why???
Maybe, but there is a lot of Tallow in Irish Spring soap! :thumbup1: That & Yardley (USA made) are my favorite bar soaps. I'll never shave with them. With so many great soaps & creams to choose from. Why???

Haha, I didn't know that, I never use Irish Springs, I'll take my bland white bar Dial soap! :wink:
However, it wasn't until a few weeks ago while doing some investigation online and in books that I realized that guys actually shaved with the shaving soap alone! OMG! :eek:

Soap can be far better than any cream I have ever used.

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Never saw that but I did see my grandpa spurt some EDGE gel into his shaving mug with the soap! What the purpose of that was I have not a clue.

I did that exact same thing for years with Edge and Williams. I guess it was my proto-superlather. I wasn't aware of shaving creams that didn't come in a can. It always worked pretty well for me.
hi all
over the years i have used the lot , bar soaps that is ,being a traveler and travelling light with a backpack only , bar soaps were the ticket to being clean ,i soap does everything ,hair washing shaving and washing clothes . best ones that i found to use for shaving were the creamy types . coconut based soaps were the ones that i could get easy while in south east asia . preferred and real creamy lather . never used a brush , had to carry it . less is better while carrying things , my razor i used for years was a cut done gillette tech. the handle was a alloy one cut short .i lost it about 9 years ago in cambodia . :frown:. part of me after 22 years . and now have bought a travel murker to use while away soon .
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