I usually shave with my straights, but am without them for the moment. Before I recently became sans-straights, I forgot to check my inventory of DE blade. So while I was at the mall the other day I wandered in to get a few packs of blades from the Art of Shaving (I know of nowhere else local to get blades at). They had Merkur and some Gillette blades (not 7:00, just some plain old Gillette blades). I grabbed two boxes of the Gillettes and was taken aback when they rang up at roughly $1.30 per blade! It's not that I had to pay for blades, it's just that if I would have remembered to order online before I sent out my straights, I'd have been able to pick up 100 Astra SP for $16 (16 cents a blade), or even 20 Feathers for $10 (50 cents a blade). Whoops!
This is not a bash on AOS, just a reminder to myself to make use of the fine retailers one can find here at B&B. So, check your stocks gentlemen! You dont want to get in a bind like I did!
This is not a bash on AOS, just a reminder to myself to make use of the fine retailers one can find here at B&B. So, check your stocks gentlemen! You dont want to get in a bind like I did!