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I need help

Man am I stuck again. Would any member be so kind as to explain to me how one goes about responding to a private message. I've received a couple and my attempts to respond don't seem to work. Please excuse this older guy attempting to navigate around the computer, but when I do respond and click send, it doesn't seem to go through. No sooner do I click out of the message and I'm right back at the same place as I started. If it did go through than it went through about 12 times because I kept trying again. I'd sure appreciate someone setting me straight, then I'll have another thing I'll be able to do on the computer. Thanks in advance. :confused:
Odd. All you should have to do is click "submit message". You also have to have a title -- if you're leaving that out, it won't send. Feel free to use me as a guinea pig to do any testing you'd like.


My elbows leak
Staff member
When you respond or send a PM, it gets sent, but it's not like e-mail where there is a copy in your "out" box.
The guy you PM'd got 12 messages from you.
Odd. All you should have to do is click "submit message". You also have to have a title -- if you're leaving that out, it won't send. Feel free to use me as a guinea pig to do any testing you'd like.

O.K. Chad, lets see if I've got this down.
I also believe that the default setting in the private messages section is to not save your sent messages. There is a box you can check so that your sent messages are saved. That way you can check to see what has been sent.

Feel free to send me a PM just to check that you are succesful in your attempt to send a message. I will PM you back to let you know I received it.
I also believe that the default setting in the private messages section is to not save your sent messages. There is a box you can check so that your sent messages are saved. That way you can check to see what has been sent.

Feel free to send me a PM just to check that you are succesful in your attempt to send a message. I will PM you back to let you know I received it.

thanks for the advice, but now I can't seem to get to the point where I'd be sending a PM. I have another member who is trying to help set me straight, but I'm sure that 2 won't hurt. Thanks.
1) Click on "User CP" (found about 2" under the badger at the top left of the page).

2) On the very left of the page, about halfway down, under "private messages," click on "send new message".

3) In the "Recipient usernames" box, enter "gru". Wait a second for a box to appear listing all of the B&B members whose usernames begin with gru. Click on "Gruder".

4) Enter a title.

5) Enter a message.

6) Click "submit message".

If this doesn't work, we'll go to plan B, which starts with the question: Have you received any PM's?

I'll be around all night -- we'll do out best!
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