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I made it!

Well, after many months (years really) of planning, I am finally here in Austin, TX! Pretty much everything is unpacked, and I started work today. My internet isn't on yet, so I have to use the wireless at my complex. Next I'll be looking for a new job that I'll like more, but I'll have to wait a few more days to start that search.

Thanks again to everyone here in Austin that offered up advice and support before my big move, and I look forward to ramping up my contributions to the site again in the next week or so!

Adios amigos!
Howdy thubbard! I guess I missed the lead up to the finale. What was the impetus for the relocation, and from whence did you travel? Judging from your post is wasn't work related.

Adios amigos!

Good to see that you've somewhat mastered the fall back language of the state. But hopefully you meant to say...hasta luego or hasta la vista. :wink:

You may very well be living in the greatest city on earth! Welcome to Central Texas!

Whoa! Slow down there Dustin :biggrin: It is the capital of our fair state, but one could argue that it isn't even the greatest city in the state. :tongue:
Truthfully, I could live downtown Austin and wouldn't mind in the least bit. I love it down there. Luckily we can be downtown in 45 minutes. The only regret I ever have about Austin is going to 6th St. on Halloween night several years ago. I love 6th St. but I will NEVER go on Halloween again.

Touring the capital and watching the bats emerge from the Congress Street bridge are each worth the trip downtown.

I'll go to 6th Street for a visit to Hut's.

Matt's El Rancho used to be worth the visit also.

Seriously, I haven't spent anytime in Austin since the Cowboys left St. Ed's.

How's Threadgill's these days?
Howdy thubbard! I guess I missed the lead up to the finale. What was the impetus for the relocation, and from whence did you travel? Judging from your post is wasn't work related.

I suppose the reason is "Why not?", but truthfully I came to finish school. I never finished college and decided to pursue my dream of becoming a cinematographer.

Touring the capital and watching the bats emerge from the Congress Street bridge are each worth the trip downtown.

I'll go to 6th Street for a visit to Hut's.

Matt's El Rancho used to be worth the visit also.

Seriously, I haven't spent anytime in Austin since the Cowboys left St. Ed's.

How's Threadgill's these days?

Threadgill's is great! I just had dinner on Lamar the night before last!
Chuy's and Shady Grove on Barton Springs are old hang outs of mine. As far as 6th St. goes, Kenny Luna's Ivory Cat is about as good as it gets.

I suppose the reason is "Why not?", but truthfully I came to finish school. I never finished college and decided to pursue my dream of becoming a cinematographer.

Threadgill's is great! I just had dinner on Lamar the night before last!
Why not? :biggrin: I understand they have a nice RTF department there. Have you been working in the field up until now.

Chuy's and Shady Grove on Barton Springs are old hang outs of mine. As far as 6th St. goes, Kenny Luna's Ivory Cat is about as good as it gets.

Forgot Chuy's. It has been forever since I last ate there. In fact I think the last time was at the Dallas Knox/Henderson outpost. Good enough, but I'm spoiled with good Tex/Mex practically on every corner. Chuy's always seemed to try a bit too hard at being cool.
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