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I kon tooling marks on handles or?

anyone else have some really small marks on their bulldog or oss handles with their ikon? i have maybe 2 or possibly three if you count the really tiny one on the top polished part of the handle of my slant. phil at bullgoose said they sound like the norm with the ikon stuff and are probably tooling marks. its really the only thing that dissapoints me about my ikon stuff. i bought a couple blemished handles that have the same marks on them which is why they were supposed to be blemished in the first place. but i did not expect them on a brand new ones this is however the second new one i have seen with spots like these. this is the third new ikon i have had (sold the other 2) and all have had at least one of these little specks in the metal. maybe im being to picky i dont know.

just curious if anyone has seen these on their handles. if not im not sure why every one that i have had has had them i cant believe i would have had three new ones with these marks and no one else has. otherwise i LOVE my ikon stuff.

on another note does anyone know if i could use some metal polish and a small wheel to polish them out easily??

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ill try to get it in a picture. they are very small like pinhead size nicks sort of. please know i LOVE my ikon heads they honestly are my favorite heads i own i just wish the handles did not have these small marks. my camera is not great so i dont know how close i can get. give me a bit ill try to get one. even the slant i have brand new had a couple on it. they are minor and you may or may not notice them. im a perfectionist so they bother me. it seems par for the course from what im reading with stainless not just for ikon but even with weber etc..just bothers me for a razor at these prices.
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When I built my razor system I used all three Ikon baseplates, a Weber Bulldog handle and a Feather head.

The Ikon parts were quite clearly the ones that needed additional grinding before replating. I had Dave at Restoredrazors do the job and after his treatment the Ikon parts were on par with the Feather ones.

I also noticed that the tone of the original Ikon plating was not consistent between the parts. I am also a perfectionist when it comes to this razor system and I go by the feeling of the razor in my hands. The feeling of the original Ikon parts was nowhere near the Feather parts before the extra grinding.

Here is a picture of my system after the grinding and replating in black chrome:

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my heads are actually really nice its my handles that have small marks on them. taking pics now.

here are three oss handles as examples remember these are NOT "blemished" handles. handle 1 came new with my open comb deluxe , handle 2 was from another new oss from a freind who gave it to me. handle 3 is my brother in law's oss handle. handle 1 has never been used at all yet. i use handle 2 but i am VERY careful it has never been dropped or hit anything at all it gets stored in a foam cutout i keep all my ikon stuff in. the 2 bulldog handles i have here 1 matte 1 polished both also have marks but they are much smaller then these and hard to get well with my camera. imo the quality though of the bulldog handles is much better overall then the oss ones. i used macro with manual focus and did the best i could.

you guys tell me am i being to picky? are these types of marks normal? they do not affect the AWESOME shave i get with my oc or slant so i cant fault them there. but i am wondering if they can be polished out (i would like to polish my oss handles i already started one by polishing the flat bottom of it. its like chrome shiny now... )

handle 1

handle 2

handle 3
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Yes you are right, these are imperfections. And yes you are too picky but hey it's your money.
Most likely from handling these tools - these are not diamonds handled with white cotton gloves.
Maybe you can ask for an extra perfect spotless special select A grade for $50 more per handle:001_rolle.
maybe i guess im being to picky then...i just had hoped when buying new ones they would look better then the blemished ones i had but i saw no difference. maybe i just got great blemished ones lol

does anyone know if i polish these will it remove much of these marks??
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From Ikon web site,

We know what is out there, i.e essentially very rudimentary head designs that practically all look alike and come with a lame slippery chrome plated handle that most folks end up upgrading to a perfectly machined stainless steel iKon handle

Perfectly machined means no blemishes. He is NOT too picky. It is Ikons claim, not his expectation that is wrong.
Did you buy from iKon? If you are unhappy, ask for a refund or exchange...we can see if Greg Kahn lives up to his spotty reputation. I love my iKon, but Greg is not universally loved.

maybe i guess im being to picky then...i just had hoped when buying new ones they would look better then the blemished ones i had but i saw no difference. maybe i just got great blemished ones lol

does anyone know if i polish these will it remove much of these marks??
I don't like Ikon simply for the games I used to watch him play by taunting members and mods of B and B on E-Bay so I would never give him a penny even if he made the best razor ever. That being said, those marks would cause me to return that razor without question. It's new, he charges too much, and he guarantees perfection. 'Nuff said. Get a new handle or return it for refund.
no one came from phil a while back the one in the first pic was the handle from the open comb deluxe i ordered. i asked phil and he said some small tooling marks were common within tolerences with that one. the other two handles were also bought elsewhere.
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I guess there are different definitions of "perfectly" machined. Kind of like the adds for NOS I only used once.
If I was paying for the "brand new, Grade AA" model, I would expect it to be perfect. Best quality money should equal best quality product. If they claim it's perfectly machined I would expect it to be so. If I paid the price for a 2nd or a blem, then I would be perfectly happy to accept those small imperfections.

I wasn't around to understand some of the strong dislike for Ikon. I know I like the look of their handles, but I think I would end up buying a Weber handle or entire SS razor if I was going that direction.
The thing is, I could buff out those small imperfections in a few minutes, so the manufacturer could do the same. If we are going to produce something above the 'mass consumer norm' we need to concentrate on offering something superior with attention to detail being foremost.

These razors are well-produced, there is no doubt, but by going that extra mile (or Kilometre for our European cousins) they could go from good to outstanding.
I checked my Shavecraft Bulldog & there are no tooling marks. As far as I understand it, Shavecraft is the Ikon budget brand, so the Ikon branded items should be better quality.

If you are seeking the ultimate in quality, go for a UFO handle. I have two & they are works of art & only cost about the same as Ikon handles.
The thing is, I could buff out those small imperfections in a few minutes, so the manufacturer could do the same. If we are going to produce something above the 'mass consumer norm' we need to concentrate on offering something superior with attention to detail being foremost.

These razors are well-produced, there is no doubt, but by going that extra mile (or Kilometre for our European cousins) they could go from good to outstanding.

Take note. These are words from a man who has already proved himself again and again to the members of this board.

My pictures don't do onotomans work justice. Here is perfection:

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so sadly because no one else said they have this issue im left wondering if im the only one and could have these flaws? maybe this is within spec i dont know. i did send a email and will wait to see what he says.
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