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I Just Kissed A Frog, And Found My Prince

Tonight i kissed a frog and found my prince, the three oaks syrian still seems to be my King of the den, but the frog aint that far behind,... seems to have something in common, latakia, so if that is true what other blends should i be looking at what are the top dogs with regards to the latakia family, i could use some friendly BL help, Thanks Guys
Tonight i kissed a frog and found my prince, the three oaks syrian still seems to be my King of the den, but the frog aint that far behind,... seems to have something in common, latakia, so if that is true what other blends should i be looking at what are the top dogs with regards to the latakia family, i could use some friendly BL help, Thanks Guys
:blink: You were looking for a prince? :lol:
I didnt know i was till i found him, now out with the latikatikas, I believe your a latakia fan as well, you must know some other good ones out there i should get my mits on
McClelland Legends, Blue Mountain, Blakeney's Best Latakia Flake, Frog Morton's Cellar, 9 to 5 (925) and this one is considered an Oriental but it's a dark one, Black Sea Shokuom.
cool that should get me off to a good start,... i may have to wait till after the whole secret santa thing lmao for the record, uhh ill get whatever i dont get ;) lol
cool that should get me off to a good start,... i may have to wait till after the whole secret santa thing lmao for the record, uhh ill get whatever i dont get ;) lol
One more I forgot to mention, if you want the full Latakia experience, McConnell Pure Latakia.
Btw what tobacco has that certain ketchup quality? I think I got it from red repare but I can't remember
Btw what tobacco has that certain ketchup quality? I think I got it from red repare but I can't remember

The McC Beacon Extra I gave you has it in spades, or least had it when it was fresh. Most McClelland blends with virginia in them have that smell in varying degrees, unless there's a sizable portion of Latakia in the blend to mask the ketchup smell. Most people agree that Frog doesn't smell of ketchup, nor does the 3 Oaks Syrian we bought. To my nose, Rattray's Red Rapparee doesn't smell like ketchup either, but I find that Escudo does a little bit even though it's not made by McClelland. I believe I gave you some of that, as well. Check it out if you have any left and let me know, I'm curious if anyone else get ketchup from Escudo. Well, maybe not ketchup, but definitely a tangy bbq saucey type smell. Could be the big dose of perique in it.

Blade Boy's recommendations of Blue Mountain and Legends are perfect if you like Frog Morton and 3 Oaks Syrian. All mild, very smooth, yet very flavourful McClelland blends. Black Sea Sokhoum is pretty weird stuff. Almost aromatic in its fragrant quality. I have a bit of it left if you want a bowl.
Yeah but it smoked awesome for me too thanks for reminding me, I'll add it to the get list... beacon extra was it for sure

We need to get together for a drink anyway.... I have some new stuff too we can dig each other's digs
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Yep, 3 Oaks Syrian is a special blend. Haven't read one bad word about it. If forced to be critical, I could only ask that its flavour was turned up a notch. It is so yummy and so smooth... but almost too smooth, like maybe its perfect harmony was holding it back from reaching nirvana status... I don't know, I just want BIG flavour!

Syngent, drinks are definitely in order, I've gotten into snuff and have some great stuff for you to try. Got another local BL'er paying me a visit in next few weeks to do a 'baccy trade... should try to coordinate a mini B&B BL get together.
Lol I already got one.... plus they don't really exist,
And the one I got that doesn't exist fits a bit to much I think...

And if I got a custom title every time I made a thread title like this I think I'd have like 10 of them now lol
I always had this thought the lines "yeah maybe, but he's harmless and people seem to like him" gets mentioned at Mod meetings every so often,... but then I'm in a constant state of "I'm sure I'm in trouble for something" so it's probably just in my head
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