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I just had the most bizarre shave with williams

Hey guys, I know we need yet another thread about williams :001_rolle, so here it goes. I hadn't even tried the stuff since if first started traditional wet shaving about 5 years ago, and truth be told, I am really more of a cream guy.
I have always loved the smell of williams. To me it smells like something that men used many years ago in a barber shop or at home when shaving was much more simple. Like something that would have been a staple in my grandfather medicine cabinet.
I was in my local walbaums, and I was cruzing the shaving aisle (of course) and I found several pucks of williams, so I decided to buy 4 of them to try out and see if it works for me.
I followed the instructions of the chap in the youtube video about williams; I popped the puck in a coffee mug, soaked it and my simpson chubby 2 in two-band super (which absolutely shreds soaps) with hot water while I showered. After I got out, I drained the hot water out of my mug, and gave my brush a few shakes and went to town on the williams. After about a minute or so, I got a really nice looking lather built up in my brush; it was moist, slick, and creamy looking while it was freshly loaded. After the brush was sufficently loaded, I began to further build the lather to my face. The lather looked great at first, but as I was finishing up, the lather began to dissolve on my face slightly. It didnt totally dissapear, but I definitely lost some coverage and what was left looked a little bubbly. Some of the lather that had gotten on my hand was extremely slick though, and my razor almost sliped out my hand. I decided to shave anyway, just to see how it performs, and this is where it gets weird: my late 40's gillette superspeed glided smoothly along my skin perfectly with no dragging, pulling, or irritation. After my usual 3 passes, I'll be damned if my face wasnt completely BBS smooth. I ran my fingers in every direction on my face and there was not even a hint of stubble and my skin felt soft and happy. In the spirt of things, I splashed on some Aqua Velva classic ice blue, from the glass bottle and I got absolutely no sting whatsoever, just that bracing, cooling sensation that we all love. So, all told, I had a wonderful shave with this stuff, but I dont quite know what to make of it. When the lather was on my face, it didnt look like great lather, but it most definitely got the job done. Normally, if a lather thined out on my face with another product, I wouldnt get a good shave, but williams seems to be different. Williams isnt luxurious by any means, but if I get shaves like that with it, I might have to keep it around.
I always got good shaves too and it holds a special place in my heart. My daughter, from kindergarten on, always saved up her pennies and would buy me a puck for my birthday every year. Once she bacame older and began selecting different gifts, I missed getting my Williams. This post really brought some memories back.
Maybe you should consider joining the Williams fan club here in B&B.

Congrats on finding out the truth about Williams. It's much better than a lot of folks think it is.

A proud member of the Anti-Social Williams Group
I always got good shaves too and it holds a special place in my heart. My daughter, from kindergarten on, always saved up her pennies and would buy me a puck for my birthday every year. Once she bacame older and began selecting different gifts, I missed getting my Williams. This post really brought some memories back.

thread hijack here, but that post was really touching. makes me look forward to kids of my own in the next 5 years or so.
I always got good shaves too and it holds a special place in my heart. My daughter, from kindergarten on, always saved up her pennies and would buy me a puck for my birthday every year. Once she bacame older and began selecting different gifts, I missed getting my Williams. This post really brought some memories back.

I've written poems about Williams, song parodies, posted gag photos, argued about it's merits, defended it, slandered it, reviewed it, shaved with it and wrote about it, cursed it, loved it and mourned the passing of the easy lathering vintage stuff.

In all that time, I've never come close to putting together something as powerful as these four sentences. God bless you and your daughter for making me stop and think, sir.

To the OP...I agree. It's a better soap for shaving than it is for making photogenic lather.
Nothing bizarre about it at all, sounds like the results I get every time from Williams. I just got my first puck of Tabac last week and used it several days in a row, and it worked very well. Then I used Williams and the results were just as good as the Tabac. Good stuff.


I always got good shaves too and it holds a special place in my heart. My daughter, from kindergarten on, always saved up her pennies and would buy me a puck for my birthday every year. Once she bacame older and began selecting different gifts, I missed getting my Williams. This post really brought some memories back.
That is so awesome.
Williams is one of the most cheap soaps on the market, but works fine! This is my favorite soap, from first time, when i tried it :001_rolle
Williams is the best! I get great results with Williams everytime I use it. I think people knock Williams because they need justification (in the back of their minds) to purchase other more expensive soaps. Williams can get boring because ...well, it just works! I have a large stock of Williams and will continue to add to it...I never want to be without Williams. I have Cella, Arko and Williams performs just as good as these if not better.
I think our opinion of what lather should look like comes from years of advertising and use of canned goo.

Lather not in contact with skin or whiskers is lather wasted, regardless of cream or soap.

I, too, like Williams.
I was cruzing the shaving aisle (of course) and I found several pucks of williams, so I decided to buy 4 of them to try out and see if it works for me.


Sorry for the thread hijack, but . . . You Might Be A Wet Shaver If:

You buy a one-year supply of anything just to try it out.

(I'm guilty!)
Hey, another pro-Williams thread. Can I add a me too?

I can understand if people have some other soap they prefer, but I'm always amazed by the ones who claim that this soap simply doesn't work. When I learned to lather with a brush, this was the first soap I tried, and yes, I had a little trouble at first. Then I figured out how to work the brush, figured out how much water I needed, and it's been great shaves ever since.

I do have a puck of vintage Williams which I plan to try eventually, and it may turn out to be even better, but the current production stuff works just great.
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