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I have become infatuated with Ever Ready Lucite brushes

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Based on limited research, Ever Ready made about +/- 18 all Lucite handle brushes.

The 50, 150L, 250, 275, 304L, 400, 452L, 500, 500N, 500L?, 501L, 600, 750, 751L, 1000L, 1001L and the 1500.

edit: just found another - Everready 2000


If you have or know of one not listed, I would really appreciate a picture.

All of these are not in my possession...yet :biggrin1:
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Mike H

Instagram Famous
The Everready 400, a neat brush with a boar / badge mixed knot.

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Mike H

Instagram Famous
The Everready 500L? The bottom of the brush was difficult to read, 500 was visible but the last letter or two was not.

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