My brothers wife jokingly said i could shave her legs after noticing my gem featherweight, she never expected me to agree. 
Anyway i started off with some lush razorantium as it's brushless, she loved that and was surprised. I then brought out the big guns for the other leg my p160. Afterwards she was seriously impressed and now badly wants one.
I put a bunch of featherweights and a pack of 100 se blades into my brothers watchlist and left them at that. She was genuinely knocked back by how much closer and cleaner and not to mention how much cheaper it is.
Best thing is she'll probably convert my brother over time.

Anyway i started off with some lush razorantium as it's brushless, she loved that and was surprised. I then brought out the big guns for the other leg my p160. Afterwards she was seriously impressed and now badly wants one.
I put a bunch of featherweights and a pack of 100 se blades into my brothers watchlist and left them at that. She was genuinely knocked back by how much closer and cleaner and not to mention how much cheaper it is.
Best thing is she'll probably convert my brother over time.