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I have a convert!

My brothers wife jokingly said i could shave her legs after noticing my gem featherweight, she never expected me to agree. :tongue_sm

Anyway i started off with some lush razorantium as it's brushless, she loved that and was surprised. I then brought out the big guns for the other leg my p160. Afterwards she was seriously impressed and now badly wants one.

I put a bunch of featherweights and a pack of 100 se blades into my brothers watchlist and left them at that. She was genuinely knocked back by how much closer and cleaner and not to mention how much cheaper it is.

Best thing is she'll probably convert my brother over time. :lol:
"My brothers wife jokingly said i could shave her legs after noticing my gem featherweight, she never expected me to agree."

I bet your brother was just thrilled about that. You might not want him to be anywhere near a razor if he finds out you were shaving his old ladies legs!
Loving the pulp fiction quote. :laugh:

Nah he's fine, me and him are pretty tight anyway we always have a joke and a laugh.

Just surprised she loved the little gem, you would expect a woman to love something like a lady superspeed but nope gone straight for an se, good girl. :thumbup1:
I'd expect your brother to either knock your head off, or insist on shaving your wife's legs. I guess you and he are pretty close.

I don't have a brother, but have seen fights in bars between brothers for less than this.
Jeez, that'd be something fun to recount years later over beers..

"Hey, you remember that time when I came home, found you shaving my wife's legs, and shot you with a .45? Jeez, good times!"

I finally converted my wife to DE and she had me buy her a Lady Gillette. Her legs are darned near hairless anyway, and what hair is there is very fine and soft. She got tired of dull carts pulling her armpit and leg hair and decided that maybe, just maybe, I was onto something with my old school wetshaving.
I converted her the same way you converted yer bro's wife. She asked about it and I shaved her legs with my cheap Ming Shi and a Bic blade.. She loved it. I would have given the Ming Shi to her, but it's too slick for shower use. So, i got her a cherry blue star Lady Gillette that she loves.:thumbup:
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