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...I hate Doctors, no realy.

Sigh...Okay, so the back story, I was working out a couple months ago. Doing "iso" curls, when I feel my ulna nerve spike (funny bone), I didn't think anything about it and kept on w/ my work out.

Three weeks ago, my left hand is numb, like a novacane feeling. My ring and pinky finger are colder than the rest of my hand. The outside palm, is cold as well. I cannot feel anything on that side of my left hand. Which sucks b/c I'm left handed.

Well, last Tuesday, I was cooking and my hand went to sleep...the needles feeling. SWMBO looked at it and told me to go to the Doc, and if I didn't I would have to deal w/ her. So, being the fart smeller, I mean smart feller, I made an appointment w/ my Doc. Now...I'm going to have an MRI scan, blood work, and all kinds of mumbo jumbo fancy stuff done. :mad3:

He made me do some test in his office, squeeze a tennis ball and junk which I failed. Cause now...I have no strength in my left hand. I can't even close a pair of finger nail trimmers w/ my left hand. (Which makes straight shaving fun)

I've searched in the intarweb and read about some of the tell tell signs from numbing of the left hand, carpel tunnel, heart and/or neurological problems. :bored:

Anywho, I had to vent..been worrying over nothing, I hope. Hopefully its just a pinched nerve at the base of the ulna. (I REALLY REALLY HOPE)
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Actually, you might have thrown your neck or spine out somehow and the pain/symptoms have radiated down your arm. You might try going to a chiropractor and see if he can help.

About twelve years ago I had trouble raising one arm and it was stiff when I moved it around. That went on for about a year. Then I went to a chiropractor for something else and he said, "How long have you had this dislocated shoulder?" He popped it out and that was the end of that.
I really hope this works out for you. I had a mate with a trapped nerve in his shoulder. I punched him there and it released it (i'm not advocating this btw) Hope you're better soon.
I'll take a real doctor over the Internet any day.

I won't, because it was a doctor who gave me antibiotics for acne. I ended up taking tetracycline for four years straight under doctors orders, which in turn killed all the good bacteria in my gut, destroyed my immune system and over time gave me chronic fatigue.

Over the years various dentists filled my mouth with "silver" fillings, which in turn gave me a mercury level of 58 ppm in my bloodstream. And that was an expensive mess to get rid of, not to mention the effects of the mercury itself.

A long time ago I traveled around the world through about sixty countries. When I came home I went to a local doctor to get a physical and make sure that everything was OK. I trusted him to know what to look for. He said that I was perfectly healthy and that everything was OK, and it wasn't until about a year later when I couldn't function. It turned out that I had a few pretty bad tropical parasites that I picked up in either Africa or India, and the first doctor didn't THINK to run a test for that kind of stuff, even though I had told him where I had been. I was so bad off that the second doctor, who was a tropical disease specialist, told me that he gave me enough of a drug called Flagyl to "kill a horse."

So some doctors are good for some things, but they are not gods and often just repeat what they've learned in medical school, which sometimes turns out to be the latest version of bloodletting. Especially when it has been endorsed by either the drug companies or others who have a vested interest in keeping people sick.

My advice to anyone these days is to take responsibility for your own health and learn what you can from various sources. When you want to go to a doctor find a good one, and if you have really unusual symptoms, find a specialist with a good reputation who can think "out of the box."

That's just my .02 from someone who's been there, and this message is brought to you courtesy of the internet (via B&B!).
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Well........ the verdict is in, it is Ulnar Neuropathy. Now the doc has to find out where on my arm is the nerve entrapment. If it is in the wrist, could be early stages of carpel tunnel, tumor, or something else.

More test to go! Wooohoooooooo :mad3:
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