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I Hate boars so much!

That I just bought 3!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol: Literally just pulled the trigger on a Semogue OC,1305 and a 620. With an 830 already in tow I think I have the whole boar brush part of my collection pretty well shored up. I am operating on the theory that this will control SBAD until the january blitz of a 2-band ch2 and a Plisson HMW! As I should have a brush every week till then!

My apologies to those who I shocked with the slightly misleading title of this thread:blushing: my rolfcopter goes soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi.However I wanted to come up with an original way of announcing a purchase. On a side note I wonder if anyone will post a tirade without reading this section?

Regards Grant
I'm with you, man. It feels like I've been buying brushes weekly to tide me over until my Shavemac gets here. Solid plan.
I'm with you, man. It feels like I've been buying brushes weekly to tide me over until my Shavemac gets here. Solid plan.

Strangely I knew you would see the wisdom in this hypothesis before I posted it:thumbup1::thumbup1:. This I feel is indeed due to great minds thinking alike rather than any shared delusions or AD's IMHO (basically buying brushes just rules!). On a less ruling tone your shavemac still isn't here? I may well be on my way to Germany if I were you!:mad3:

Regards Grant
How can you hate boars? I love anything made out of bacon.

You have defeated me unfortunately I can't work out if you have posted this based purely on the title alone leading you to surmise I actually don't like the boars I have just bought or if you are double bluffing me? Come to think of it I would like my boar brushes even moar if they smelled like frying bacon!

Regards Grant
Strangely I knew you would see the wisdom in this hypothesis before I posted it:thumbup1::thumbup1:. This I feel is indeed due to great minds thinking alike rather than any shared delusions or AD's IMHO (basically buying brushes just rules!). On a less ruling tone your shavemac still isn't here? I may well be on my way to Germany if I were you!:mad3:

Regards Grant

It shipped Tuesday! Now it will get stuck in customs. It's ok, though...[edit: fifth] Rooney is coming early next week.
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The title made me want to write a tirade without even reading your first post! :sneaky2:

I really hope that these boars will be a huge disappointment for you, that is what you deserve IMO! :devil:

Well, no I don't, I just hope for you they leave enough room for improvement so that you still like the Simpsons and Plisson once they arrive......

You do seem to have a little boar problem btw. I see only one brand represented and there are a few more you need to try before you really get the hang of it; no Omega's, no Vulfix, no HJM to name a few......
For just a fraction of the cost of your new badgers you could have a new brush every month of 2011! :lol:
The title made me want to write a tirade without even reading your first post! :sneaky2:

I really hope that these boars will be a huge disappointment for you, that is what you deserve IMO! :devil:

Well, no I don't, I just hope for you they leave enough room for improvement so that you still like the Simpsons and Plisson once they arrive......

You do seem to have a little boar problem btw. I see only one brand represented and there are a few more you need to try before you really get the hang of it; no Omega's, no Vulfix, no HJM to name a few......
For just a fraction of the cost of your new badgers you could have a new brush every month of 2011! :lol:

Fortunately the folks at Semogue don't appear to be in the business of producing disappointment no matter how much you wish for it:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2:. Though I'm sure I will have to do some extra badger justifying, if even one of the boars turns out to be as good as I think it will be. Now about these Boars you speak of... any particular brushes I should look at from vulfix/HJM...I have had my eye on a Boreal 976 however they are out of production. As for me getting a new brush every month of 2011 I think I'll manage that including badgers!

Regards Grant
It shipped Tuesday! Now it will get stuck in customs. It's ok, though...sixth Rooney is coming early next week.

Vlad, my Ebony "Flat Top" Shavemac shipped yesterday, due next Tuesday. Just in time, as the newness of my Rooney XLs is wearing off! :lol:
Now about these Boars you speak of... any particular brushes I should look at from vulfix/HJM...

Regards Grant

First of all; nothing against Semogue here; but while badgers have their grades (though hard to compare sometimes between different manufacturers) boars are just called boars while the differences can be huge.

My favourite Vulfix is the 2189; I was underwhelmed at first but it turned into my #1 brush (including some mixed, badgers and horse). It is the only brush I own twice.

HJM has, AFAIK, only one knot but a nice choice in handles and they are a steal really, at least when you order in euros.

The Vulfix is at the "floppy" end of boars while the HJM, at about the same size, is at the very stiff end. I like both very much (as in really very much).

But in my little collection there are a couple of nice Omega's, a great Il Ceppo boar, a nice Victoria and an awesome Vero.
In fact she a big fan of VDH boar brush.

Oh! Great idea. I have been trying to figure out what to do with that VDH brush... just have to remember what drawer I put it in. :lol:

The break-in process in my Semogue 830 has basically been at a stand still since I got a Rudy Vey brush. My Semogue needs some love, but I just want to keep using the RV.
"Hmmm... Honey, how do you get your cheeks so Boar's Butt Smooth?"

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