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I got to say - Nothing beats that M7

So I like 2 band brushes and I am on the eternal quest to find the "best" 2 band brush for me... I got about 20 or so and there are always new ones to discover... (VB, WSP etc etc) :crying:
But I got to say every time I am grabbing this M7 2 band it feels I am finally there :scared:

Great handle, super soft Simpson 2 band hair, perfect (for me) knot size (23/52mm), medium density with great flow through...

I guess if I would have to sell all my brushes the one I would keep is that M7...:001_tt1:

Well, and maybe, the Duke 3 Two Band, and the E3 Two band , and my Thäters... :thumbup:

Very nice brush! Looks like it has excellent balance and is able to perform well in face and bowl lathering at the 52 mm loft.
The M7 is my favorite handle. Mine is stuffed with 3 band Super, which I prefer, and it is a pleasure to use every time.
In 3 band there is nothing better for me than shavemac silvertip and Thäter 3 band...

In 2 band I feel equally strong about the Simpson 2 and the Thäter 2 band...

That's surprising...I thought you were Thater and Shavemac guy. Anyway, enjoy.
And I gotta say, I agree! I have a M&F "L7" Blondie 2 Band in Butterscotch that is Fantastic to look at and heavenly to use. The handle design is the most comfortable I've used yet.:thumbup:


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
Nice collection. I got the lighter GYLE as well. The Manchurian though will be too scritchy for me I believe...


My Emperor 3 Two-Banded in that picture is actually more scritchy than the Manchurian, as is my Classic 1 Two-Banded. My first Emperor 3 Two-banded that this one replaced due to a shedding issue was less scritchy.

I should be receiving my Queen Elizabeth ll Diamond Jubilee brush in Manchurian this week. As this will be out of a different batch of Manchurian badger hair than my others, I'm anxious to see if it still has that magical degree of scritchiness I know and love. :001_unsur

..... if nothing else she'll look real pretty. :biggrin1:
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