The wife and eldest were on a road trip last week to check out a college for him, and as I was home with the three other kids, I tried to take a shortcut... used regular Conk's Bay Rum soap and the brush, with a little paste after lathering... thinking it would be quicker than cloth, soap, balm and paste...
and tried some of the son's Pinaud Bay Rum A/S...
The next day my neck looked like a three day old sunburn. Red and peeling like crazy.
Seriously, my neck was flaking off like I'd been using an infrared razor.
Went back to a hydrolast based shave and methodically method-ed Saturday and apparently cut off all of the dying skin... and am back to normal.
Anyone else ever had a similar experience? I'm wondering if it was the soap or AS or both... I usually use a non-alcohol based after shave.

The next day my neck looked like a three day old sunburn. Red and peeling like crazy.

Went back to a hydrolast based shave and methodically method-ed Saturday and apparently cut off all of the dying skin... and am back to normal.
Anyone else ever had a similar experience? I'm wondering if it was the soap or AS or both... I usually use a non-alcohol based after shave.