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I can't wait!

Receive a complimentary ProGlide Shave with any purchase by our Master Barber using the NEW Fusion ProGlide Power.

By none other than their master barber!!!:w00t::w00t::w00t:
What is this? Is it a new cream or something? From the link it seems like a new chair to sit in while being shaved. Since its fusion i'm guessing its not a new razor.
Oh, and btw, I'd just like to say that AOS is full of a bunch of BS flinging a-holes that think they can swindle you out of every dollar you have....... in my experience anyway LOL =O In all seriousness, I haven't been impressed with them as of late, but to each his own.
hehehe makes me glad I don't like that side of the big pond. :001_tt2:

Isn't it saddening that there are virtually no real barbers left these days let alone ones who can give their customers a straight shave.
The Fusion™ Chrome Collection POWER RAZOR is perfectly balanced and weighted to feel like a natural extension of your hand, maximizing stability and control. Gentle micro-pulses help you reduce friction and increase razor glide*. The built-in spotlight, the first of its kind, reveals details normally in shadow - such as under the chin and jaw line - to help you avoid missed spots and make every stroke count. The sleek, contemporary handle is an ideal combination of ergonomics and innovative design, handcrafted in polished chrome and wrapped in a matte black, thermo-resin grip.

No kiddin'- a built in spotlight?
I can't wait either, I have found I have not been drawing nearly enough blood with learning my straight razor lately. Surely the new Fusion Pro Glide will fix this "problem".

By the way, this sentence doesn't read quite right:

Receive a complimentary ProGlide Shave with any purchase by our Master Barber using the NEW Fusion ProGlide Power.

Considering the huge number of professional writers they must have on staff, I am surprised this sneaked through.

So just what products does the Master Barber sell?? :lol:

The sentence structure works much better this way:

Receive a complimentary ProGlide Shave with any purchase. ProGlide shave is provided by our Master Barber using the new Fusion ProGlide Power.
Oh! Only available until the end of May :mad3: I need to clean some shoes, wash my shower curtain, check the post office box, clean windows, plant tomatoes, cut.......
My barbershop is staffed by cute girls with Feather ACs . . . and they're surprisingly deft with them.

They just use 'em for the back of the neck, unfortunately.

Isn't it saddening that there are virtually no real barbers left these days let alone ones who can give their customers a straight shave.
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