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I can use my Ball End Tech now!

I started down the path of shaving like my grandfather a year ago. Like lots of you, I went to buy some more blades for my razor and was disgusted. It is a Gillette Sensor purchased around '90, not that old, but older than my daughter. I noticed the Wilkinson Sword blades were $1.75 for 10. Lots of poking around the internet and I found you guys.

And I thought I was going to save money! Hahahaha!!!
I bought several razors on ebay, trying them all.
"But it is the razor/blade combo!" So I bought lots of different blades.

I don't think I need to go further. Some days my face felt like hamburger meat some days not. I was finally able to settle on a '47 Gillette Super Speed Flair Tip with either a Wilkinson Sword or Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow (Russian) YMMV.

At this point I believe that my face is use to using a double edged razor now. Out of the 10 razors I purchased, I have kept 5 for different reasons. I could never use the Tech because it was just too rough on me, no matter the blade I had in it (well not counting the blades that shave as well as a spoon).

On a whim, I have used it for the last two mornings with the 7 O'Clocks, and what do you know, it has been wonderful. Better, closer shave than I have been getting with my Flair Tip.

I am still giving it a couple of months before I break out the open comb!

Thanks everyone.
I have revisited razors that I thought could never work for me the first go round, only to find 6 months later my technique had improved enough that the "worthless razor" turned out to be an outstanding shave.
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