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I almost gave up on soaps

After weeks of trying to get anything resembling decent lather from soaps and a long series of mediocre shaves, I shelved my Pre de Provence, Col. Conk, and VDH in a fit of frustration. I thought that my brush was too coarse for my face and shelved that too. I was mad because I really wanted to try Tabac, and I had some samples of soaps that I loved the scents of but didn't think I could ever use.

For a month or so I just used Proraso brushless and had good shaves. The problem was, I still had this patch of ingrowns on my throat that looked REALLY bad. Nothing I did or used got rid of them. Then about 2 weeks ago I was browsing the forums and realized that I had never even tried face lathering before giving up on soaps. The next day I broke out the Col. Conk and the brush and tried it out.

.....It was just that simple.....

Great lather, better shaves, happiness abound, and my brush doesn't seem as harsh when used this way (no idea why but, hey.) I also had the brilliant idea to use the little wedge-shaped samples from shavingessentials just like a mini shave stick. Get it wet and rub a good layer on your face, then build lather with the brush. It works fantastically well (though they are a little hard to hold onto.) Maybe John could include those instructions with the samples as I've seen other posts from people who weren't sure how to best utilize them.

After a week or so of enjoying all of my soaps, I noticed that the ingrown patch was fading away on it's own. As of now, it's GONE :thumbup:
I have never had clear skin in that area. Most likely the use of the brush in this manner is lifting the hairs better.

Now there is only 1 problem left....

Tabac, Odgalla Bay Rum, Institute Karite, Edwin Jagger Sea Buckthorn, Provence Sante, or MWF next?
Face lathering is the way to go...
i personally mix in the bowl some cream....a couple glycerin drops....and the brush previously loaded with cake soap, mix everything and then go on lathering in the face...Just beautiful.
I would go with Tabac and you might consider adding a Speick shave stick to your order.

If lathering soaps is a problem you might want to try one of the lesser known Italian ones like P-160 tip morbido or Cella. Both of these are very easy to lather and very protective.
Thanks everyone!

El Zorro- it wasn't the lathering in general that was the problem, it was just bowl-lathering. Our tap water here ranks somewhere between terrible and abysmal so that's the likely culprit. Now that I have full-blown SSAD I will probably wind up trying those products anyway, but thanks for the heads up!

Yesterday I used this method:
(link courtesy of Koso in another thread)

and got even better results with a meager puck of Williams :w00t:
You know I have found Williams to be very friendly with bad water. I have a tree farm with really bad iron water and Williams works like a champ there. I think these old fashioned tallow formulas were made when most people used hard water.
Congrats! :thumbup: Everyone IMO you should try Tabac, after that my favorite is MWF. :biggrin:

Two of my three favorites as well. The third (and currently -- maybe temporarily) top of the list is Cella.

I recommend Cella to everyone. It is a completely different experience from the triple mills and glycerins.
I also had the brilliant idea to use the little wedge-shaped samples from shavingessentials just like a mini shave stick.

I don't see samples offered on the shaving essentials website. Do you just request them and what do they cost?
Two of my three favorites as well. The third (and currently -- maybe temporarily) top of the list is Cella.

I recommend Cella to everyone. It is a completely different experience from the triple mills and glycerins.

I love Cella myself. I had to try some after reading Joel's description of the scent. Rotten garbage crossed with Play-Doh, something like that.

It's a sharp almond scent. Obviously not for everyone. :smile:
Cella has a shelf life. Perhaps Joel got an out-of-date package.


Two of my three favorites as well. The third (and currently -- maybe temporarily) top of the list is Cella.

I recommend Cella to everyone. It is a completely different experience from the triple mills and glycerins.

Agreed except for newbies. Cella initially frustrated me. Purchased an Omega 49 and problem solved. Still takes longer to lather than creams and the lather is thinner but the closeness and skincare is better.

Unsure about the shelf life but numerous shaves barely makes a dent. Its hard to imagine a better performing soap. Still want to try IK, Valbora Menthol and MWF to compare.
Well, a puck of Tabac is on it's way along with an Ogalalla Bay Rum shave stick. I think that Tabac was something of an obvious choice, but I got the other because I have a theory that it was the bay oil that helped to clear up my skin.

When I first lathered with the bay rum I was worried that I might have been allergic because the ingrown patch kind of burned. It wasn't really the same burn (I react to Trumper's Limes cream so I know the sensation) but more of a healing burn. I almost compare it to putting alcohol on a cut. Since I ran out of my sample the ingrowns are back but not nearly as bad.
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