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how to treat bleeding?

looked for a thread on this --did not find so,

How do you guys treat your bleeding, hit a ittle mole on the neck and on the side bled all day had double little band aid and one over it, as i bled all over a good dress shirt. I did not remove both band aids until i got home at night and took off my shirt...

how do you treat mild light bleeding? a slice? or blood spotting on the necK?

and yah I know, proper technique and best is not to get a cut or bleed, but the inevitable will happen so how do you deal?
looked for a thread on this --did not find so,

How do you guys treat your bleeding, hit a ittle mole on the neck and on the side bled all day had double little band aid and one over it, as i bled all over a good dress shirt. I did not remove both band aids until i got home at night and took off my shirt...

how do you treat mild light bleeding? a slice? or blood spotting on the necK?

and yah I know, proper technique and best is not to get a cut or bleed, but the inevitable will happen so how do you deal?

An alum block usually takes care of any nicks I get. For something more serious, like yours, I would use a styptic pencil. Fortunately I've never had any cuts that a styptic pencil wouldn't stop.


i just wet a paper napkin and hold it on the nick/cut.
but again, i dont cut myself that often, as i try to be slow and careful when i shave,
make sure the lather is worked up well....
Thanks --got one, it (St. Pencil) did not work on that one...

You could try holding an ice cube wrapped in gauze or a clean cloth on it as a cold compress, then bandage. Not much else you can do.
Fortunately tourniquets aren't recommended for minor cuts. :biggrin1:
I posted this recently. In essence it is a reductive approach, aimed at reducing blood flow rather than reducing stubble. I hope you don't need it often.

I have a multi-phase approach for that: maybe part of it will help you.

If I see blood during my shave I simply dab a little lather over it (using a fingertip and pulling the lather from my brush). That often stops the bleeding, and it also keeps the sight of blood from spoiling my focus on the shave. After the shave I do a warm rinse, then a cold rinse. That usually closes up any weepers that survived the lather treatment.

If that doesn't do it, an alum block can work wonders - but be sure to rinse of the alum after a minute or two, with another cold rinse (otherwise the alum will irritate your skin). Usually that's enough, but sometimes I will have to resort to a dab of My Nik is Sealed (sort of a roll-on styptic pen). Most of the time, though, these tools stay in their drawer.
If you've got a real bleeder, you should attack it like a boxer's cut man. Open the sucker up and get in there with the styptic pencil. If you can't feel it burn, it's not working.

If the flow is too steady for the styptic, you can do like generations of men before you and use a little piece of kleenex/toilet paper to help the coagulation process. Showing up at work with bloody toilet paper on your face is definitely no good, so you can try removing it and hope that the bleeding has stopped. Or stick on a bandaid like you did.

I have a low profile mole under the corner of my mouth. The only shaver I never cut it with was a Philishave. I have zones on my face that I cover when I shave, and that 1x1 cm area is its own zone. I've never found a quick way to get around it.

"I'm pulling for ya." - Red Green


shave very very slow (controlled ) and pay lot of attention to what you are doing ....

prevention is better than cure
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If you've got a real bleeder, you should attack it like a boxer's cut man. Open the sucker up and get in there with the styptic pencil. If you can't feel it burn, it's not working.

heh, exactly what I was thinking. GET BACK UP! CAUSE MICKEY LOVES YA!

When I've got a serious cut on the face, I go at it with the styptic pencil, then apply an ice cube to the cut in hopes that'll close it up completely. The one or two times that didn't work, I resorted to a bit of liquid skin. Burns like hell, but stops the cut better than TP and you can't see it.
I've done all of the above, plus I keep a bottle of liquid bandage available. You paint it over a cut/nick and it glues your skin shut. You can find it at any pharmacy for $5-$10.

If all else fails, I go to the liquid bandage which is better than sticking a pieceo toilet paper on my face.
My steps would be:
1. Alum Block
2. Alcohol or aftershave
3. Light pressure x5 minutes
4. Styptic
5. Silver Nitrate if you can find it
6. Heavier pressure x5 more minutes
7. Pint of Packed Red Blood Cells & Cauterization at your favorite ER

If you happen to use blood thinners or fish oil that can effect your clotting speed, so keep that in mind.
I cut up a pantiliner or pad into strips, and keep them with my bandaids. They are designed to be ultra absorbant, do not stick to the skin, and work great. Stops face cuts or any other small cuts quick.
My mind wandered this morning and I ended up with two bleeders - one under my bottom lip, the other just to the side of my chin cleft. The styptic cleared up both, though I had to drag the pencil over the chin cleft nick to completely staunch the bleeding.
Thanks to my dad, I have a lifetime supply of styptic POWDER. That stuff will clot anything! As near as I can tell, it's readily available in pet stores. It's used by groomers when they cut a nail too close. It's also available on Amazon.
Usually when I'm done shaving, I hold a cold face cloth to my face for a while and that will stop any minor cuts. If anything is still bleeding after that, I go to the styptic pen. Sometimes it takes a few applications with that to stop anything major I've had but I've never come across one I can't stop.
What a bunch of Nancys ;) Use a red hot branding iron. kidding.

Constant pressure and if it really will not stop use liquid bandaid as another person mentioned.
I cut up a pantiliner or pad into strips, and keep them with my bandaids. They are designed to be ultra absorbant, do not stick to the skin, and work great. Stops face cuts or any other small cuts quick.

That's a new one! :laugh:

Makes sense though. Moles are usually heavy bleeders when you slice them off shaving...I did the same thing last year. If the syptic pencil does not work, you COULD use super glue. I sliced my thumb open cutting a bagel a few weeks ago and it worked great since I could not get it to stop bleeding for 2 days with any the method. Don't be afraid, doctors and hospitals sometimes use an adhesive that is basically a medical grade Super Glue...exactly.

Avoid shaving over it until it is fully healed or it will reopen.
excellant advise all---

i got some liq band aid and it worked ok today. scraped the mole cut today one other (thank u feather blade ;-) used styptic pencil, than liq bandage--than tissue for few mins --took off no further bleeding

was not the huge bleeder from previous---

hmm i do use fish oil pills-- never knew they will actually delay clotting?

thanks all--- maybe this thread should be a sticky for us newbies? a lot of good advice IMO. again thanks
My steps would be:
1. Alum Block
2. Alcohol or aftershave
3. Light pressure x5 minutes
4. Styptic
5. Silver Nitrate if you can find it
6. Heavier pressure x5 more minutes
7. Pint of Packed Red Blood Cells & Cauterization at your favorite ER

If you happen to use blood thinners or fish oil that can effect your clotting speed, so keep that in mind.

And you have probably heard the old medical "joke": All Bleeding Stops.

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