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How To Store A Strop?

I have a strop that I won't be using for a probably a few weeks or so. Do I need to put any oil or any other thing on it to keep it in good shape, or should I continue to rub it with my hand daily, or do I need to do anything at all?


Staff member
A few weeks I wouldn't worry about it, as long as the room it is hanging in is "normal". Don't leave it right next to a heater or air conditioner. Give it a rub with you hand if you think of it. I think it will be fine.
I leave my most used, vintage horshide out in my car year round. I live in Boston, we have all four seasons. I shave at the gym usually, thus the need to leave in the car. No ill effect so far (about a year or more so far..)

Baby your strop if you like, but cowboys didn't go and hide their saddles everytime it rained.

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