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How to soften a new Omega 10005?


I have just received Omega 10005. I would like to know what is the best way to ease bristle, because the first shavings with a new boar brush are very, very hard for skin:yikes:

How to soften it?
A simple way of doing this is simply lather in the palm of your hand; the brush gets some real action this way and won't hurt your face.

If you also want to use this lather (if it is your only brush) you could bring it on using a paint brush stroke.
I like to shampoo a new brush, then use some hair conditioner. Let a boar brush soak in very warm water for a long time-I put it in a cup of hot water before I go in the shower and it is ready when I get out and shave. Although I prefer face lathering, I agree that during the break in period first palm lathering speeds up the process. A good boar takes a while to break in but they can get amazingly soft-esp if you always soak before use.


My Father inlaw is a retired barber. He used the Omega brushes exclusively back in Italy... He would lather the heck out of the brush for about 5 minutes, then drop it in a bowl with hot water and leave it there for a few days. I've never tried the method but he swears by it.
It doesn't take many days of lathering one of these well to break it in.

If your face won't take it, lather your palm daily for a couple of days, as was previously suggested. Use something else on your face until it eases up a bit.

Good brush. Mine was quite stinky, but broke in easily, and smells neutral now.

Have fun!
Get your brush grab some dawn dish soap. make a soapy mixture and let the brush sit in it for 10 minutes and agitate a few times. then take the brush out rub the bristle on your hand to build lather add more dawn if needed let the soap sit in the brush 20 minutes. Rinse the brush extremely well to remove the soap. Then find your favorite cream or soap, build a very good lather and let the brush sit with it full of lather for 24 hours then rinse the brush well and gently dry it off.
I worked some conditioner into mine when I first got it and then just used it, the tips were already pretty darn soft from the get go.
Just check this video:its in spanish but the technique shown to break in a boar brush its pretty clear:
Just check this video:its in spanish but the technique shown to break in a boar brush its pretty clear:
just buy a puck of williams for a buck and do this over and over will work its time consuming but it will work. Then do this http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=139297&highlight=brush+softeningI finally found the original method that i was trying to tell you to do its the link above
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Kind of like breaking in a new pair of Levi's. It takes time and use.

I have an Omega boar---won't take long. I lathered in my hand for quite a while. Just takes some time and use. My brush is rewarding me with wonderful softness after a couple of months.:thumbup1:
Thank you very much for your answers.

I indeed possess one Omega 48 for one year. As hairs are long, they were soft from the first shaving:thumbup1:. I possess real badgers, but I do not like the sensation. Besides, they lose too many hairs. The advantage of the boar, it is its exfolliante office.

I have of to buy smaller brush (Omega10005) to take hit for travel. And its hairs are thus much shorter, harder, where from my question.

Still thank you for your advises.:001_smile
Just check this video:its in spanish but the technique shown to break in a boar brush its pretty clear:

I'd say he's just washing the funky smell out; omegas often stink out of the box. It'll take a bit more than a few soaping to fully break in. A week or two's shaving should do it.
hi all
quite often buy a new boar brush , like the stiffness .
its the smell when wet for the first few times .
i find a shampoo with a good sent and soap up and leave a while , 10 mins .
rinse dry and leave to dry. i do this a couple of times and then they are great to use after that.:thumbup1:
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