Is there any good guides/walkthroughs showing how to identify Gillette? I was poking around the Wiki and although it did have pictures, it really didn't seem to point on unique features/identifying factors of these different DE. I would love to learn to spot them out!
Hello, welcome to B&B. The place I look for the Gillette identification is usually Mr. Razor's site he is a member here
If you're looking for the date, then the letter/number combo on the underside of the razor head is a good place to start. You could then check out the photos associated with that year to figure it out for sure.
Here is another place to look up date codes. The date codes only tell you the year the razor was manufactured -- not the type or razor you're looking at.
Poster AsylumGuido has a nicely done rundown on Super Speeds linked in his signature. I'm also indebted to poster fidjit and his sig link to adjustable identification.