Im sure this has been said a thousand times before but this is the first time I have bought vintage razors and I need to clean them up. So what is the best way to make them shave ready?
.......exactly the way Turtle described is how I clean my vintage razors. Maas metal polish is what I use to bring out the shine and boy, does it do a good job of making vintage razors shine like new!Scrubbing bubbles bathroom cleaner.
I stick mine in a glass jar and give them a good squirt. Let them sit for 3-5 minutes than give them another squirt and use a toothbrush to go over them.
the scrubbing bubbles is an antibacterial cleaner so that is really all you need to use.
If you want to get them to really shine you can use any NON abrasive metal polish like MAAS, SemiChrome, Flitz, or Wenol polish and a soft cloth after the scrubbing bubbles
Can SB be used on Gold plated things?
Don't use Brasso.
That silver polish leaves a film. Do you want that on your face?
SHAVE WIKI has the answers you seek.
Less is more.
Most of the posters on here seem to be posting from the US and Canada. Everybody mentions "scrubbing bubbles" and they surely do make it sound like it would solve all my problems. But we don't have Scrubbing Bubbles in Ireland and I don't know what product I might buy that would be similar (and you surely would think that if we don't have Scrubbing Bubbles then surely somebody sells a similar product).
If it works for you then I can't really say much, but I wouldn't recommend boiling any razor - but especially gold razors. To sterilise these things you don't need to be actively boiling them.then I boil it for ten minutes with a bit of vinegar although I don't know if that's safe with a gold razor.
If that doesn't make some kind of impression I think it may be that the finish is just rubbed-off with age (what can you do eh?)
What, if any, products could I use to achieve my aim? Bear in mind, I am based in the UK...........
I have used Brasso to polish out slight scratches on the end cap of my Tradere & it didn't do any damage. I believe that chrome plate is more scratch resistent than stainless steel, but I am not sure about nickel plate.