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How to clean and maintain a DE razer and blade?

Hey gents,

How does one go about cleaning and maintaining their DE razor and blade so it (Razor) doesn't get rusty and start squeaking?
I rinse my razors well between shaves with the blade removed. I dry the razor and allow it to sit overnight open so that it dries completely. I blow the water off the blade and palm strop it to dry the edges well, then it sits out overnight too. As far as general cleaning, warm soapy water does the trick. I always follow up with a soak in barbicide for about 10 minutes to make sure all is sanitized, then a final warm water rinse.
I wash mine with soap and water every time I shave...:biggrin1: Then I drop it in some barbicide (more for the fun of having a barbicide canister than anything...
After I shave, I just rinse my razor/blade with water and set it on the edge of the sink to dry. When I change blades, I wipe the parts off on a towel.
After every shave I take my razor apart and rub each piece with hand soap, then I rinse, towel dry and reassemble. Every few days I'll take some cotton swabs and get the shaving soap scum out from all the little nooks and crannies. As far as blades go, I just blow the water off or dab with a towel before reassembling.
I rinse it using the hottest water and then give er a shake and 3 or 4 reverse (stropping type) rubs on the cotton towel around my waist before hanging er up. I have noticed absolutely no rush using Personna, Astra, or Feather blades throughout their entire one or two week life before swapping them out. When I change blades i give all the parts of the razor a cotton towel rub. Both my EJ89, my Muhle, and my Feather SS I treat the same. They seem very happy with this low maintenance routine. I am not sure it is steel under the chrome so I doubt they will ever rust. I did notice rust however using other brands of cheaper blades such as Derby and Tweet.
On my Gillette Super Speed I loosen the TTO a bit, give a few shakes, tighten the TTO and let it dry in my razor/brush holder.

Just finished a good shave a few mins ago:



B&B's Man in Italy
You can easily clean your DE razor using running water mixed with liquid handsoap and for reaching difficult spots you can use an old toothbrush. After that, dry it carefully with a soft towel. Once in awhile you can also polish your Double Edge razor using a quality metal polisher. It's all very simple.
Just a quick rinse under some warm water along with a good shake and a quick wipe down of the top of the head (don't wipe the blade) and the handle is all you need between shaves and place it in a place where it can air dry. About every 1-2 weeks on a blade change day I will remove the blade and clean the razor w/ some Scrubbing Bubbles and a tooth brush...

Scrubbing Bubbles you're the one, you make cleaning razors lots of fun....
We have a hot water cylinder in the bathroom cupboard and I place the brush and razor on top of the cylinder after use to dry it out.


My wallet cries.
I just rinse it under hot water to flush out any remaining gunk, then pat dry with a towel and put it on the ledge by the sink. I change blades every 3 shaves or so, so rust doesn't get there quick enough. In terms of sanitizing, everytime I change the blade, I wipe down the parts with a little rubbing alcohol towelette, then reassemble with the new blade.
I leave all mine coated with soap scum from rinsing them in the shaving sink water and leave them to air dry in the old ashtray which protects my custom shaving shelf.

"rusting"? "sqeaking"? Maybe the better question is: just what the hell are You doing to them? <g>


Hey gents,

How does one go about cleaning and maintaining their DE razor and blade so it (Razor) doesn't get rusty and start squeaking?
I just rinse mine under the tap then blow into the head and pat dry with a towel. I do give the parts a bit of a wash when I change the blade but it never looks like it needs it. As far as I can tell it spends its working life in warm soapy water, it should only need rinsing.
I was about to ask a similar question regarding what most of you do with the blade in your razor, assuming it still has some uses left in it. Was mainly worried about the potential for rust or gunk building up.

It sounds like most leave the blade in place between shaves (being sure to dry it as best as possible without dismantling the razor), and do your major cleaning rituals during your blade changeover.

I dig it.
Daily: rinse, open doors slightly and set on edge on the shelf to dry.
When I change blades: Discard the blade, use toothbrush to scrub with warm water and antibacterial soap or toothpaste, dry and store.

I rotate my razors between blade changes.
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