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How to Best Clean Gold Plated Razors?

I've seemingly hurt the gold finish using rubbing alcohol to clean and disinfect a plated razor. So, I'm looking for the best way to clean and polish gold razors. THanks!
After a good toothbrush/soap/hot water cleaning, a little ammonia (or just windex, whatever's handy)helps bring out the shine. I read that here somewhere and it works.
I had great luck with some good dish soap and very hot water. Let it soak for a good 10-15 minutes in the hot, soapy mixture. Then grab an old toothbrush and scrub scrub scrub. Repeat two or three times and it should look good!
Just about anything you do will eventually damage the finish, including shaving with it.

Toothpaste contains very mild, fine abrasives and a bare(no toothpaste) toothbrush is abrasive.

The gold is so thin it does not take very long to wear through.
Gold Gillettes have lacquer over the gold. You can tell when the lacquer is wearing off. You can take that off and replace it as the gold is very thin.
I have 2 vintage gold plated razors and cleaned them both up the same way, with no problems. 1) In sink with stopper, spray with Lysol, leave 10 minutes; 2) Rinse off with water, then soak in warm water with mild dish soap, using a toothbrush to remove crud--amount of toothbrush use and length of soak dependent on how much crud on razor. 3) Can finish with mild brushing with some toothpaste.
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